Many simulators in their effectiveness cannot be compared with such a simple apparatus as a crossbar. This is due to the fact that the simulators take on a part of the load, and to perform pull-ups, not only the muscles performing the traction movement, but also many stabilizing muscles are included in the work. To perform a pull-up, it is necessary that all the muscles in the body work in concert. Thanks to exercises on the crossbar, you can pump almost all muscle groups.

It is necessary
- - high crossbar;
- - low crossbar;
- - wrist straps;
- - magnesia.
Step 1
Grasp the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you). Hands are shoulder width apart. Bend in the back, connect the shoulder blades. Stretch your chest up. Try to pull your elbows towards your body while moving, stretch your chin towards the bar. Return slowly to the starting position. This exercise is good for beginners on the bar. It develops the arms and lower latissimus dorsi.
Step 2
Choose a grip that is shoulder-width apart. One hand is held with a direct grip, the other with a reverse grip. Bend in your back, bring your shoulder blades together, rise. Pull your elbows towards your torso. Your task is to reach the bar with your chest. Slowly lower yourself down. Do as many lifts as possible, then switch hands.
This exercise helps to tighten the weak arm. Many athletes have one arm more developed, but pullups with a different grip will correct this imbalance. In addition, this exercise is transitional to the classic wide grip pull-ups.
Step 3
Grasp the bar with a straight grip (palms facing away from you), arms much wider than shoulders. Cross your ankles and bend your knees slightly. Bend in your back, bring your shoulder blades together. Lift up, trying to touch the bar with your chest. At the top point, hold for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position. At the lowest point, do not relax your hands immediately, do not hang on your hands - this can provoke an injury to the large head of the triceps. The wider the grip, the higher the load on the back muscles.
The top of the broadest muscles, the large round, rhomboid muscles, the middle and lower parts of the trapezius muscle develop.
Step 4
If the set with a high horizontal bar has a low one, master such an exercise as strength gain. It will help to pump, in addition to the muscles of the back and shoulders, also the triceps and hips.
Grab the bar with a straight grip, hands shoulder-width apart. The legs are bent at the knees. Bring the body over the bar using your hands. Maintain balance with your hands. Hold for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.
Step 5
Once you have mastered the power output on a low bar, move on to the next exercise. The starting position is an emphasis on the crossbar on straight arms. Keeping balance, slowly bend your elbows. The body does not tilt forward or backward. Try to bend your arms as much as possible, but do not be zealous at first - there is a very heavy load on the elbows. Slowly squeeze your body upward, straightening your arms. If your feet hit the ground at the bottom of the push-up, cross your ankles and bend your knees slightly. This exercise will work your chest.
Step 6
To pump the abs on the bar, do hanging leg raises on the bar. This is one of the most powerful ab exercises ever. First of all, the lower abdominal muscles are worked out, the most difficult to work out, the oblique muscles and the core muscles work as stabilizers, and at the end of the movement the upper part of the press is captured.
Grab the bar with a straight grip (palms away from you), hands shoulder-width apart. Pull your hips towards your stomach so that your shins are at chest level. Do not sway while lifting, do not use the force of inertia. Only the abdominal muscles should work. Return slowly to the starting position. Do not relax your abdominal muscles to avoid injury to your lower back. Repeat as many times as you can. To complicate the exercise and increase the load, raise your straight legs.