To lose weight, keep fit, or just feel good, you need to use as many muscles as possible. Not all exercises work in a complex manner, they are mainly aimed at some one part of the body. But the benefits of squats are obvious not only for the legs, but also for other muscles.

Any physical activity is good in moderation. Improper performance of exercises or excessive zeal in classes can lead to the opposite result. So, what do squats do if you do them wisely?
Obvious effect
Firstly, the effect of squats is expressed in an active increase in muscle mass in the buttocks and hips. No other exercise can achieve such quick results for these parts of the body. Secondly, if you spread your legs wider during squats, and turn your socks outward, then the inner surface of the thigh is involved. This is the most "capricious" area of the female body, which is very difficult to tighten. Thirdly, the benefit of squats is that, if the body gets used to this type of physical activity, it takes much longer than, for example, to swing the press. In addition, it is plie and deep squats that cover not only all the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also the oblique and straight press. Often this type of exercise is performed with weights - a barbell on the shoulders or dumbbells in the hands. Therefore, squatting can strengthen these areas as well. Those who are interested in what squats do will be pleased to know that one exercise can replace several others.
Testosterone production
The benefits of squatting have long been known to professional bodybuilders. Such training stimulates the production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. Thus, squats, using the largest number of muscles, are conducive to increased training of the body as a whole.
but on the other hand
No matter how effective they are, there is also harm from squats. If you do the exercise incorrectly, for example, do not calculate your strength and take too much weight, an intervertebral hernia may form. Weighted squats should not be performed by adolescents, as they may stagnate. Also, deep plies with inverted socks often lead to dislocated knees and ankles. So you can only squat after a complete medical examination. And then you need to regularly visit a doctor who will monitor the changes in the body. In addition, it must be remembered that excessive diligence in squats can result in overwork and exhaustion, which will lead to the inability to continue training. Therefore, you need to train to the best of your ability, increasing the load gradually.