It is during training in fitness clubs that instructors think over the classes so that those who train constantly will be interested, and the beginners will not lag behind. But what about those who train at home if the basic exercises have already been mastered and fed up? Or if you are just starting to train, but you are not happy to perform common movements for all? The solution is simple: do your usual exercises, but use sports equipment.

Step 1
Reverse lunges
Stand on the platform. Take a wide step back with your left foot and place it on your toes. Lower yourself down so that your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure that the angle at the knee of the right leg is straight, and the knee does not go beyond the toe. Then go up to the step again. Reverse lunge with your right foot. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times. What to replace? You can do lunges just on the floor or on a low stool.
Step 2
Lunges with slopes
Stand on the platform. Step your left foot forward. Bending your left knee, lower yourself down. Transfer your body weight to your left leg. Then straighten it and bend forward while swinging your right leg up. Lower your leg to the step and return to the lunge position. Repeat the movements 10-12 times, and then change legs. What to replace? Place your back foot on a chair.
Step 3
Standing on the platform, take a wide step with your right foot to the side. The left leg remains elevated. The body weight is evenly distributed between the legs. As you inhale, pulling your buttocks back, lower yourself down. Make sure that the angle at the knees is blunt or right. As you exhale, straighten up. Perform 10-15 squats, then place your right foot on the platform. Repeat the exercise. What to replace? A stool, a thick book.