Not everyone can afford regular exercise in a fitness club and a personal trainer. Therefore, people who want to lose weight or just keep themselves in good shape, make morning and evening runs. But not everyone knows what running is useful for, and some very soon give up this activity.

The casual approach to running is often due to its affordability. All you need for jogging is a treadmill and comfortable running shoes. Having paid for an expensive gym membership, it is unlikely that someone will quit going there until it expires. But running can be much more useful.
Physical benefit
When asking what is the effect of running, people often think that it leads to injuries and is only shown to completely healthy individuals. On the contrary, moderate jogging helps not only to keep the body in good shape, but also to heal the joints, reducing the likelihood of dislocations and fractures. In addition, running covers all muscle groups at once, unlike simulators that train any one part of the body. Nobody thought about what running gives to mature people? It is this type of physical activity that strengthens the heart muscle, develops the lungs and saturates the tissues of the body with oxygen. As a result, the risk of heart attacks and strokes is reduced, the heart works economically and without interruption, the metabolism is accelerated, which leads to improved digestion, normalization of acidity and elimination of constipation. Jogging three times a week, you can normalize blood pressure, get rid of hypertension, forget about insomnia and colds, and also increase the overall tone and performance of the body. Doctors note that people who take regular jogging look and feel younger than their biological age.
Psychological impact
So, you have found out what gives the body running. But this is only half of its capabilities. Jogging has a positive effect on the spiritual part of life. For example, by running regularly, you can recover from neuroses, forget about anxiety and bad sleep, and just improve your mood. Evening jogging has been proven to be much more soothing than tranquilizers. When figuring out what jogging is good for, keep in mind that regular exercise can make you happier. This is not self-hypnosis, this is physiology. During a run, the work of the pituitary gland increases, due to which a large amount of endorphins are released into the blood. Therefore, quite often, immediately after jogging, a person has a feeling of elation, bordering on euphoria. What are the other effects of running? Constantly moving people never suffer from depression, they endure failures more easily and simply gush with ideas. Therefore, almost all successful businessmen make regular runs, drawing inspiration from them for their work.