Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most spectacular sports. Likewise, in the circus, our attention is often drawn to acrobats performing the most unimaginable figures and exercises. Some of them you can learn to do on your own. For example, at home it is really possible to master the algorithm of actions for performing an acrobatic wheel.

It is necessary
Step 1
Start by warming up your muscles. Take advantage of any set of exercises that professional athletes offer for this. Do not start training without this step, otherwise you will easily damage your muscles or ligaments, and you will need long-term treatment.
Step 2
Start learning the element by first assessing your handstand skills. To do this, first try to simply stand on your hands near the wall, at such a distance that you can lean on it if necessary. Do this carefully and, if possible, have someone stand by your side. Train until you can keep yourself upright without additional support and helpers.
Step 3
Prepare a soft area for mastering the acrobatic element of your choice. It is desirable that these were elastic mats or an object as close as possible to them in its properties. Stand facing the impromptu training ground and step forward while lifting your left leg into the air and lowering your right hand to the floor.
Step 4
Push with your right foot, sending your body into the air. At the same time, do not bring your legs and do not stop; forward movement should be maintained. Place your left hand next to your right. Place your left foot on the floor at the same time that your right reaches an upright position. Then, in turn, lift your right and left arms off the floor and place your right foot on the floor.
Step 5
Grind the element until you can perform the acrobatic wheel not in stages, but in uniform movements. You should not remove the mats even after you learn how to make this element - they are required for safety reasons. And before every workout, be sure to take time to warm up. Likewise, after intense exercise, it is worth taking a few minutes to give the muscles a rest, for which there are also special exercises. At the beginning of the journey, avoid too abrupt movements and be prepared for the fact that you will need more than one workout to learn. Take your time and do not force events, treat your body very carefully.