A Set Of Pilates Exercises For Beginners

A Set Of Pilates Exercises For Beginners
A Set Of Pilates Exercises For Beginners

The popular today exercise system called Pilates gained fame relatively recently, but quickly spread among those who are attentive to their health and prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you really want to radiate youth and health at any age, try to repeat the experience of thousands of people who have mastered the simple and effective exercises of the Pilates system.

A set of Pilates exercises for beginners
A set of Pilates exercises for beginners

Features of the Pilates system

The exercise system in question is named after its creator, Joseph Pilates. More than a hundred years ago, he developed a set of exercises that allows anyone to maintain excellent health, lose weight, get an athletic physique and an attractive appearance.

This system is based on the specific load that a person experiences during training. The difference between Pilates and traditional physical training complexes is that all exercises are performed at a slow pace, smoothly and measuredly. This approach significantly reduces the likelihood of injury and sprains.

The goal of the Pilates system is to help a person explore their body and feel every muscle, making it work.

Each training complex is based on exercises aimed at developing mobility and flexibility, strengthening all muscle groups of the abdominal and back muscles. As a result of the systematic performance of tasks, the so-called "strength frame" of the whole body develops.

Concentrated movements and correct breathing make it possible to strengthen the body without increasing muscle mass.

The main advantage of the Pilates system is its safety. There are practically no restrictions on age and gender, as well as on the level of physical fitness. However, special sets of Pilates exercises have been developed for those who are just getting started. A set of basic exercises for beginners allows you to actively engage in training work and helps to master the skills of performing individual elements.

Pilates: a set of exercises for beginners

The standard set of exercises for the Pilates system includes exercises on the floor, on simulators and tasks using special devices. Workouts are usually carried out barefoot and in comfortable sportswear that does not hinder movement. Give yourself room and stock up on a gym mat. Well-chosen music can contribute to greater comfort when performing tasks in the complex.

Exercise # 1. Get into a sitting position on the floor. Bend your knees and wrap your arms around your hips. Place your legs at the width of the pelvis, while your feet should touch the floor tightly. Straightening your back, stretch the top of your head up. Lift your feet off the floor and lift them parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds, monitoring the evenness of breathing.

Exercise number 2. Sitting on the mat, bend your knees slightly. Lean on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders. The toes of the feet touch the floor only slightly, the feet are tightly pressed against one another. Take a deep breath while turning your knees to the left. As you exhale, straighten your legs and lift them up. Now follow the same movements, but to the right side.

Exercise number 3. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees and lift them up so that the ankles are parallel to the floor surface. Put your hands behind your head, spread your elbows wide to the sides. Pull in your stomach, pressing your back firmly against the floor. While inhaling, lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Exercise number 4. Get on all fours, resting on your forearms. Straighten both legs and take them back, placing them on toes. Press your feet tightly together. Straighten the body so that the body forms a straight line. Take in as deep a breath as possible. As you exhale, raise your hips while lowering your head down. Then return to the starting position.

Exercise number 5. Standing on all fours, straighten both arms and place your wrists so that they are under the shoulder joints. Legs and hips are in line. At the beginning of the exercise, take your straightened legs back, placing them on your toes. Alternately lift both legs up, arching in the back and throwing your head back.

Having mastered this mini-complex for beginners, you can subsequently include more complex exercises that require higher coordination of movements in the training program.
