How To Get Rid Of Depression And Fatigue With Fly Yoga

How To Get Rid Of Depression And Fatigue With Fly Yoga
How To Get Rid Of Depression And Fatigue With Fly Yoga

The feeling of flight and height is always breathtaking and drives away sad thoughts. This is why many children love swinging and climbing. So why can't depression and fatigue be treated with “childish” methods? Feel like a carefree butterfly with fly yoga.

fly yoga
fly yoga

Remember how great it is to lie in a hammock in the summer and not think about anything. And if you add smooth exercise to this? If you want to get rid of depression and fatigue, fly yoga with a set of asanas performed in a special hanging hammock will help you. The hammock is securely attached to the base of the ceiling, allowing you to hover and spin like in a circus.


The main effect of fly yoga is to relax the back and vertebrae, develop coordination, plasticity, and form correct breathing and posture. In a hammock, you can lie and relax, like in a cocoon, or use it as a rope or a support belt in the process of performing coups and stretching exercises.

In addition to getting rid of stress and stiffness in the cervical spine, fly yoga helps to quickly lose a couple of kilograms, because with any movement in a suspended state of the body, all muscle groups work.


As with any yoga, the first exercise focuses on relaxation and breathing. Then there are various asanas for stretching the muscles, bending and stretching the spine. The final asana is designed to restore strength and breathing. Each set of exercises is selected by the instructor individually, depending on your level of physical fitness, age, etc.


If you intend to get rid of depression and fatigue with the help of fly yoga, it would not be superfluous to visit a doctor and take a set of tests for the presence of certain diseases.

Indications for practicing fly yoga are: anxiety, insomnia, asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, nervous overload, improper posture, chronic fatigue syndrome, stagnant processes in the hip region. It is categorically impossible to engage in aerial yoga (it is also called anti-gravity yoga) with any displacement in the vertebral regions, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, astigmatism, hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, an increase in the thyroid gland, atherosclerosis and diseases of the inner ear.

Exercises on a full stomach are not allowed. The last meal should be no earlier than 3 hours before class. It is advisable to take a break during menstruation or colds, even with a slight increase in body temperature.
