If you decide to purchase your own snowboard, then, in addition to its appearance and quality, you should pay attention to such parameter as length. In fact, length is the main parameter for successful skiing. To know how to choose the right board length, see the instructions below.

Step 1
When buying a snowboard, you can determine the length of the board you want in several ways. The first and easiest way: try the snowboard on yourself, it should reach your nose or upper lip. Typically, this is the way to measure board length offered by sellers in sports stores. But keep in mind that this method will not allow you to perfectly calculate the length, taking into account all the subtleties. It is better to calculate the length of the board in advance and come to the store with a ready-made figure.
Step 2
First of all, remember: the main parameter when choosing a snowboard is a person's weight. This is due to the fact that a person's weight must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the board when riding. The length of the board, depending on the weight of the person, is calculated by the formula:
127 + 0.4 x weight - board length for women
136 + 0.3 x weight - board length for men.
Step 3
Now take into account for the calculation such a parameter as growth. Since it has little effect on the choice of board length, but can affect the shift in the center of gravity, add a couple of centimeters to the resulting figure if you have a rather slender figure, and, conversely, subtract them if you are overweight.
Step 4
The next parameter that needs to be taken into account is the size of the feet. It will not affect the choice of length, but it will affect the choice of the width of the snowboard. In order to choose the right width, try on the board to your feet - they should normally fit on it. If you have a very large foot size, then choose a special wide board, otherwise you will not be able to ride it normally.
Step 5
Now the last parameter remains - these are the conditions under which you are going to ride. If you ride in the mountains, then add 6-9 cm to the previously obtained figure. If you will ride on small slides, add 1-2 cm. If you are going to ride on slopes that are not specially prepared for skiing, then add 2-3 cm. In the event that you have to ride in parks, add 3-4 cm.
Step 6
Be responsible when choosing the length and width of the board, because the quality of riding directly depends on these parameters. Do not succumb to the provocations of sales assistants who simply offer to measure the length to the nose. Enjoy your ride!