What Is A Tote

What Is A Tote
What Is A Tote

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Tote is one of the types of bets made. The word has several meanings. They can indicate a counter showing money rates and their total amount. This concept can also be called a bureau that accepts bets and pays out the winnings, as well as the game itself on the sweepstakes.

What is a tote
What is a tote


Step 1

The origins of the sweepstakes are private bets made at gladiatorial battles held in ancient Rome. Then the concept took root in the races and spread to all sports. Nowadays, with the advent of the Internet, not only sports.

Step 2

Modern betting rules were invented by the Frenchman Oller, in Paris in 1874. The essence of the game is that a third party is involved, an arbiter who accepts bets from the disputants. After the event, depending on its outcome, he distributes the winnings among the winners in proportion to the bet, subtracting, of course, his share (usually 10%).

Step 3

The arbitrator in the sweepstakes must enjoy the trust of the players and have authority so that all participants are sure that the winnings will be distributed fairly, and its holder will not hide with the bank (i.e. with the total amount of bets) somewhere in an unknown direction. It is also important that the arbiter cannot influence the outcome of the event in any way, otherwise it will not be a bet, but just a banal fraud.

Step 4

In different countries, there were precedents when jockeys at the races, for example, could hold back popular horses, while the so-called "dark horse" came to the finish line, on which few knowledgeable people bet. Of course they broke the whole bank and shared with the referee and with the jockey. In this regard, in many countries, the game on the sweepstakes became illegal.

Step 5

Now you can play the betting game on the Internet by visiting special sites. To do this, you just need to translate your web money into virtual currency. Bets are placed not only on events in the world of sports, but on anything: on various incidents, on events in politics, economics, business, etc.

Step 6

Tote is rightfully considered a dangerous toy for gamblers. A lot of conditions were missed in the rings and races, which even led to suicide. Therefore, those who are prone to excessive excitement and do not know how to stop in time are not recommended to play this game.