How To Calculate Fat Burning Pulse

How To Calculate Fat Burning Pulse
How To Calculate Fat Burning Pulse

Did you know that during weight loss exercises, you can easily calculate the fat burning pulse? During training, the heart rate indicator helps to control the intensity of the load, to understand at what point the body begins to burn fat.

Pulse will help you lose weight
Pulse will help you lose weight

Any person has a maximum allowable heart rate. There is a formula that calculates your heart rate, 220 minus your age. If your heart rate is higher than this value, then the heart has a hard time, and it is deficient in oxygen and nutrients.

In no case should you train at such a limit, as it can be very dangerous. But it is from the value of the maximum heart rate that the required heart rate corridor is calculated during training.

During this period, the heart beats at such a frequency that it provides a sufficient amount of oxygen, as a result of which carbohydrates and fats are actively broken down. Its formula is as follows (220-age) * 0, 6-0, 8.

Further, the training pulse rate is divided into two conditional levels. The first is the heart rate that is effective for burning fat. This is a zone of 70% of the maximum. On average, this turns out to be 130 beats per minute +/- 10, depending on your age.

In order to part with extra pounds, you should train with such a pulse for at least 40 minutes, since carbohydrates are consumed in the first 20 minutes of training, and only after that fats begin to break down.

The second level is above 70% of the maximum, it trains aerobic endurance and also burns carbohydrates first, then fats.
