Aging occurs for many reasons. One of the leading factors is the accumulation of too many metabolic by-products inside the cells. With age, the ability to remove them decreases. You can help this process by doing special anti-aging gymnastics.

Start with stretching. Then take 12 calm jumps to stretch the lower half of the body. If you can, do 12 floor rolls to awaken your upper body. If not, lie on your back and raise your arms and legs. Start shaking your limbs, while they should be completely relaxed. Do this for about 10 seconds. Next, get up and start doing exercises that will stimulate the body's major lymph nodes.
The operating principle of this complex is based on the activation of blood and lymphatic currents.
Do tilts with your head: forward - backward, left and right, 10 times in each direction. The next movement is to slowly raise and lower your arms, 12 times. Then raise your arms across the sides, also 12 times. Swing your leg back and forth to stimulate the inguinal lymph nodes. The leg should not be straight, it can bend. But the one on which you are standing should be kept straight. Repeat with each leg 12 times. Next, do side kicks with your legs, also 12 for each. To do this, place your hands to the side, stretch your knee to the corresponding hand.
For the next exercise, sit on the floor, wrap your hands around your knees, and round your back. Roll on your back 12 times. Get up and start clapping your palms over the body, passing over its entire surface. When finished, take a deep breath in and out. Squat down, wrap your hands around your knees. Take 12 deep breaths and exhales actively using your diaphragm. The next exercise: lie on your back, lift your arms and legs up. Cycle with all limbs for 20 seconds. Stand up, put your hands on your belt and slowly bend back. Wait 10 seconds, then bend over to your legs and wrap your arms around them, rest a little. Repeat 5-6 more times.
The next exercise: lie on the floor and make a "bridge", hold for 10 seconds. Then get down to the floor and bring your knees to your chest, "group." Lie down like this for 10 seconds. Alternate these positions 8 times. Now do a rejuvenating breathing exercise. Stand up, inhale deeply, pushing out your abdominal muscles as much as possible. As you exhale, squeeze your stomach sharply. Repeat 12 times.
Do anti-aging spine exercises. Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Place your hands on your knees. Bend your back as you inhale, and round your back as you exhale. The head doesn't move. This movement can be done actively. Continue for 1-5 minutes. By the end of the exercise, the body warms up. Stop, make 3 deep entrances, hold your breath for 4 for 10 seconds, trying not to strain your muscles. Lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest. As you inhale, stretch your straight legs at an angle of about 45 degrees, and spread your arms out to the sides. As you exhale, gather back into the "grouping". The movements are active, the neck does not bend. Do 1 min.
Anti-aging gymnastics is meant to be done daily. It is better for her to do it after sleep in order to activate all processes in the body and get a boost of energy.
Calm your breathing. Sit cross-legged and place your hands on your shoulders. Stretch your left elbow to your right knee, and at this time bring your right hand back, touching the floor. Repeat with the other hand. Exercise time - 1 min. Remain sitting in Turkish style, raise your arms and stretch for a minute. Rejuvenating gymnastics is over.