How To Remove Broad Shoulders

How To Remove Broad Shoulders
How To Remove Broad Shoulders

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Many former athletes do not want to show broad shoulders and seem too big. This is especially true for women. Some girls go in for swimming, rowing, weightlifting. From this, their shoulders will become wider, no matter how much they want otherwise. How to make the shoulders already?

How to remove broad shoulders
How to remove broad shoulders


Step 1

Reduce your training load gradually. The less you perform enhanced actions during the training, the faster the muscles will begin to acquire the size that you had before the start of training. This is an axiom. Halve your workout routine, or even take a couple of weeks off. Then continue to practice at a more relaxed pace.

Step 2

Take up athletics. Running long and medium distances helps athletes restore heart rate, strengthen blood vessels, lose extra pounds, and also makes the body leaner and leaner. If you have seen runners at 1,500 meters or more, then you probably noticed how narrower their shoulders are than those of sprinters who run no more than 400 meters. Make daily runs of several kilometers and after a couple of months the shoulders will not be as wide as earlier. The harder and more you run, the faster you will progress.

Step 3

Eat less protein in your food. Shoulder width is also associated with a high-calorie diet. Remember that to maintain weight, you need to consume 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight every day. Follow the same principle, just add more easily digestible foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish. This will help free the body from the previous regime. As a result, the shoulders will begin to decrease slightly.

Step 4

Visit the bathhouse once a week. This treatment ideally supports the health, function of the heart muscle and promotes more intense sweating. This will help you lose more weight and muscle. All this will lead to the fact that the shoulders become a little narrower. Remember to stick to this rule and you will see quick results.

Step 5

Wear clothing that highlights other parts of your body. This visual method will also help to at least partially narrow the shoulders. Wear belts, scarves, bracelets. They will allow others not to focus on your shoulder width.
