How To Build Up The Muscles Of The Chest, Shoulders, Abs At Home

How To Build Up The Muscles Of The Chest, Shoulders, Abs At Home
How To Build Up The Muscles Of The Chest, Shoulders, Abs At Home

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit sports or fitness clubs equipped with exercise equipment and wear themselves out on exercise equipment, grinding out an ideal athletic figure. Is it possible to pump up the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and abs at home?

How to build up the muscles of the chest, shoulders, abs at home
How to build up the muscles of the chest, shoulders, abs at home

Your stadium is always nearby

Effective modern sports simulators were not always in service with bodybuilders. And pumped-up, beautiful and healthy people have always been, since the days of antiquity. There is a huge amount of exercise for developing various muscle groups in a seemingly cramped home environment. They are performed both with the simplest sports equipment and without them, using only the weight of one's own body as a load. The main condition for achieving results is regular training.

Such "pieces of iron" as pood, one and a half and two poods, have always been in honor of the Russian heroes. Kettlebell lifting competitions still gather a large number of participants and fans.

Crossbar exercises

Probably one of the most versatile home exercise equipment is the horizontal bar. The muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and press perfectly swing on the bar.

A horizontal bar-crossbar can be installed in the yard by simply fixing a pipe of a suitable diameter between two trees. The pipe can be fixed in the interior doorway by placing it on the stops mounted in the jamb.

To train the chest muscles, pull-ups should be performed with a wide grip, trying to reach the crossbar with the chest muscles. To train the shoulder girdle, do the pull-up behind your back. In this case, one should strive to touch the bar with the muscles of the trapezoid. Finally, the abs are perfectly trained in the hanging position on straightened arms, raising the legs at a right angle. At the same time, the legs should be straightened at the knees, the body should not sway. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times per set. As an option - holding a right angle for 10-15 seconds; raising the legs with turns to the sides.

Exercises without equipment and special devices

A simple and absolutely accessible exercise for everyone to pump up the pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle is push-ups from the floor in a lying position. Of course, this exercise also trains the muscles of the arms, mainly the triceps, as well as other groups.

Many boys - future athletes - started with push-ups every morning. Depending on your readiness or due to age, you can start training by pushing up from the ottoman, chair, from the wall at last.

Ab exercises are performed while lying on the floor. An easy option - in the supine position, raising straight legs to a right angle together or alternately - "scissors", exercise "bicycle". A more difficult execution is lifting the torso until the head touches the knees. In this case, the hands are behind the head, the legs are fixed under, for example, a cabinet.
