How To Build Quads

How To Build Quads
How To Build Quads

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Strong and sculpted quads are the hallmark of true athletes. Even if you are not involved in sports professionally, the developed anterior thigh muscles will definitely impress women of the opposite sex. The quadriceps are a large muscle group consisting of four heads: the rectus, lateral, medial, and broad intermediate muscles. The following exercises will help develop them.

How to build quads
How to build quads


Step 1

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders allow you to work out almost all muscle groups located in the legs. Stand between the racks of the power rack with your back to the bar so that the bar is at shoulder level. Take the shell with a wide grip and place it on the trapezius muscle of the back. Then step away from the rack, taking a step forward, spread your legs wide to achieve a stable position. Bend your legs slightly at the knee joints and do not straighten them to the end, being at the top of the exercise. Squat smoothly, as deep as possible. When your thighs touch your calf muscles or you reach a comfortable range of motion, start the reverse movement.

Step 2

Another effective exercise to build quads is the barbell squat. However, it is not suitable for beginners: to successfully complete the exercise, you need to be skilled in handling weight. During your first workouts, it is best to do squats in the presence of a trainer or assistant. The bar should be positioned on the deltoid muscles in the bend of the shoulder girdle. Secure it at the sides by crossing your forearms. Be careful not to round your back while maintaining a natural curve. Remove the barbell from the racks and take a step forward to be free in movement. The technique of performing this exercise repeats the technique of the previous one.

Step 3

Barbell lunges will help shape your quads, make them bumpy and toned. The starting position repeats the starting position of the first exercise: place the barbell on the trapezius muscle of the back, take the bar with a wide grip and move slightly away from the power frame. Take a wide step with your foot and sit on it. The knee of the leading leg should be directly above the foot, not protruding. Bend the other knee so that it is a few centimeters from the floor without touching it. At the bottom of the exercise, pause and return to the starting position. Then change your lead leg and repeat the exercise.
