How To Checkmate Quickly In Chess

How To Checkmate Quickly In Chess
How To Checkmate Quickly In Chess

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The chess game is one of the most prestigious intellectual games invented by mankind. There are countless variants of moves in chess, and with each move there are more and more of them. Winning chess is a confirmation of the mental capabilities of the player. In the meantime, anyone can learn to beat newbies, it's pretty simple.

Chess is the most popular board game in the world
Chess is the most popular board game in the world

It is necessary



Step 1

There are two ways to win at chess. The first is to force the opponent to surrender himself, proving his superiority in pieces or position. If the opponent does not yet know all the intricacies of the game, or simply does not want to give up himself, you will have to checkmate him. Checkmate is a check from which there is no defense, the king cannot move away or cover himself with another piece.

Step 2

"Children's" mat is a kind of mat, in which victory is achieved at the very beginning of the game. A quick checkmate in this case is made by the queen and bishop. A quick checkmate can only be used against beginners, since a quick checkmate itself contradicts such principles of chess strategy as the consistent development of pieces and the establishment of a pawn center. However, any novice chess player needs to master this technique in order to understand the fact that a win can be achieved without an advantage of several pieces - it is enough to find the opponent's weak squares and establish control over them.

Step 3

To put a child's checkmate with White (Black puts it in the same way), one must take advantage of the weakness of the black pawn on the f7-square. As you can see from the picture, this black pawn is weak, as it is only protected by the black king. White's first move should clear the way for the king's bishop (on f1) and the queen. This is a move with the e2-pawn to the e4-square. Next, you need to put the bishop on the c4 square and the queen on the h5 square. After that, if the f7-pawn is still not defended, a child's checkmate can be put. There is a variation of children's mate, when the defending side attacks the queen with the g-pawn (g6). Not scary! In this case, you just need to transfer the queen to the f3 square. And the next move is to put a quick checkmate.
