Pull-ups harmoniously develop many muscles: back, abs, arms, shoulders. Making them is quite simple. One has only to deal with the technique once. However, for girls, there are several points to consider when performing this exercise.

Step 1
Do assistive exercises to train different muscle groups. During pull-ups, the back receives a lot of stress, so it is advisable to prepare its muscles for the upcoming trainings on the crossbar. Do the boat exercise. Lie on your stomach, take both legs in your hands and try to swing as much as possible in this position. Repeat the exercise 3 sets of 15-20 times. Also, do push-ups on your knees and train your triceps with light dumbbells. All this will well prepare the body for pull-ups.
Step 2
Strengthen your wrists by hanging for a minute. For pull-ups, it's important to have a fairly strong wrist, which most girls don't have. Therefore, vis will gradually help eliminate this deficiency. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and straighten your arms. Hang at first as much as you can. Ideally, bring this exercise up to 60 seconds. To complicate the task, hang small weights of 1-2 kg on your legs or shoulders. Then the process of strengthening the wrists will go much faster.
Step 3
Pull up with a reverse grip at first. For many girls, it is a big problem to do this with a direct setting of the hands, since the biceps are larger in structure and can withstand a more serious load than the triceps. Grasp the bar with a reverse grip and slowly pull up 3-4 times. Perform 3-4 approaches if possible. This will already be a good result at the moment.
Step 4
Support your feet while doing this exercise. This is another method for girls to quickly learn to pull up. If the crossbar is located on the wall bars, then this is just perfect. Place your feet on it and grab the top of the bar. Do 15-20 chin curls. Thus, you will train your abs, your back, your arms, and your wrists.
Step 5
Ask for insurance while pulling up. As soon as you already feel the strength to completely do this exercise, you will need an assistant in the person of a coach or girlfriend. Grab the top of the bar, hang and try to pull yourself up to chin level. If at some level you do not have the strength, have the assistant push up a little. In the process of training, you can already do without it.