How Was The Diaspartakiada-2012 For Children With Diabetes In Sochi

How Was The Diaspartakiada-2012 For Children With Diabetes In Sochi
How Was The Diaspartakiada-2012 For Children With Diabetes In Sochi

Diaspartakiada is a sports competition for children with type 1 diabetes. This year, such a forum of an all-Russian scale took place in the capital of the future Winter Olympic Games - in Sochi. Of course, the value of the Diaspartakiad is not only in sports awards, but also in the fact that young athletes can show themselves and their disabled comrades the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle.

How was the Diaspartakiada-2012 for children with diabetes in Sochi
How was the Diaspartakiada-2012 for children with diabetes in Sochi

The opening ceremony of the Diaspartakiad took place on July 1 at the Sochi boarding house "Golden Ear", where Valentina Peterkova, President of the Russian Diabetes Association, said parting words to the children. 48 athletes aged 12 to 16, who came to this competition from eight Russian cities, solemnly pronounced the words of the Olympic oath. In addition to sports competitions, the program of the forum included educational and entertainment events; a lot of time was allotted for simple communication between children. For example, right after the opening ceremony, the children went to a master class in public speaking, and then competed in the best knowledge of Olympic traditions.

The sports component of the Diaspartakiad included pentathlon competitions (arm wrestling, archery, discus throwing, long jumping and running), orienteering, pioneerball, and relay race. Among the national teams, the best indicators for the seven days of the competition were the guys from Rostov-on-Don. The second place went to young athletes from Arkhangelsk, and the third - from Samara. All 48 forum participants received commemorative statuettes, and the prize-winners of the competition, of course, were awarded medals. The closing ceremony took place in Sochi on 7 July.

This is not the first Diaspartakiad, children with type 1 diabetes are going to such competitions for the third time and representatives of twelve cities have already taken part in it. Together with the Russian Diabetes Association, the forum is being held by the international pharmaceutical company Sanofi as part of its program called “Every day is your day”. On the territory of Russia (in the Oryol region) the company produces high-quality insulins - drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
