What Types Of Dips Are There

What Types Of Dips Are There
What Types Of Dips Are There

You don't have to sign up for a gym to get a beautiful and sculpted body. The equipment needed for this can be found in almost any yard, for example, horizontal bars. Dumbbells and barbells can be placed at home. But besides them, there is such sports equipment as parallel bars.

What types of dips are there
What types of dips are there

The beams are two parallel horizontal pipes attached to four horizontal posts. They are designed primarily to strengthen the muscles of the chest and triceps.

Basic exercises

The technique for performing the basic exercises on the uneven bars is relatively simple. The starting position is between the bars on straightened arms. The palms look inward. As you inhale, begin to slowly bend your elbows, dropping down. But don't go too low. There is a risk of damage to the shoulder joints. After that, gently climb up. At the moment of the greatest tension, exhale. It is important to remember that, as with pull-ups or push-ups, work should be done for correctness and quality, not quantity. You can do it 10 times and not get the desired result.

If you need to put a big load on the chest muscles, then you just need to slightly tilt the body forward, spread your elbows in different directions and bend your knees. Elbow joints do not need to be wider than 45 degrees. To get more effect, it is worth practicing on wide bars.

To increase the load on the biceps, the arms must be pressed against the body. To do this, you can perform the exercise on narrow uneven bars. In this case, the inclination of the body should be minimal, and the legs should be straightened.

In any case, you need to practice slowly, fully bending and straightening your arms. Each individual chooses the number of approaches, but it is advisable to perform it until complete failure. If regular exercise is not enough for you, then think about additional stress. But remember that for the chest you need to hang the weight in the front, and for the biceps - in the back.

Exercises for advanced

After completing the basic exercises, you can do partial push-ups. For this, you do not need to go down completely. Moreover, it is desirable to use those muscle groups that are not tired enough. Descend to half the way, and then return back.

There are also forced push-ups. To do this, you need the help of a friend or coach. When you reach your maximum, ask him to help you do a few more reps.

To perform the so-called negative push-ups, you need to use additional weight. First, you need to calculate the weight to complete 5 repetitions. Take the starting position. Lower down slowly as there is a risk of joint damage. Again, don't try to do the exercises yourself.
