Despite the fact that today gyms are equipped with the latest technology, and you can find the most modernized equipment there, some of the equipment that was used in the distant past are still used by athletes today, thanks to their proven effectiveness. An example of such a projectile is sports bars, which provide a lot of opportunities for working out different muscle groups. When doing push-ups on the uneven bars, you put a serious load on the pectoralis major muscle, as well as the muscles of the shoulder girdle and triceps. For push-ups, you only need the uneven bars and your own weight.

Step 1
In order for push-ups on the uneven bars to lead to the desired result and at the same time do not lead to injuries, follow a number of step-by-step rules. The bars should not be wider than your shoulders.
Step 2
Stand in front of the uneven bars and take the starting position - an emphasis on straightened arms. From the top position, tilt your torso forward, then bend your elbows and lower yourself until your hands are in the armpits. The lower you go, the more the pectoral muscle will be worked out.
Step 3
Hold the stretch for two seconds, and then lift up again, spreading your elbows to the sides. Rest your chin on your chest and tilt your body forward. Then lower yourself down again. Determine the depth of lowering and lifting individually - depending on your stretch and fitness level.
Step 4
At first, you can descend shallowly and ascend more slowly - later, when the stretch is better, you can climb quickly.
Step 5
Repeat lifts on straightened arms and descents on arms bent at the elbows, alternately, making your movements smooth and measured. Do as many reps as you can, then rest.
Step 6
Alternatively, you can descend to the lowest point and rise from it to the highest point for the last time in your workout to re-engage your pecs and triceps.