The trapezium is one of the largest muscles in the human body. However, it is not so easy to independently assess the condition of your trapezius muscle due to its location.

Trapezius muscle
The trapezius, often referred to simply as the trapezius by experienced bodybuilders, is located in the upper back. It is a flat muscle, to which the endings of three large muscle groups are reduced at once - the latissimus dorsi, the neck muscles and the so-called deltoid shoulder muscles. As a result, this muscle takes the shape of a trapezoid, thanks to which it got its name.
The main area of this muscle falls on the surface of the back, but some of it also extends to the neck. Therefore, the dorsal part of the trapezius muscle is distinguishable only with strong tension and a special posture, for example, arms raised up and spread apart. And the easiest way is to visually identify a developed trapezius muscle precisely by its upper part, located in the neck region: popularly, such a neck is called inflated or simply bovine.
The main movements in which the trapezius muscle is involved are associated with a change in the position of the shoulder blades. So, the upper part of the muscle is used if it is necessary to lift them or raise the entire shoulder girdle, and the lower part of the muscle is used to lower the same parts of the body. Finally, the middle part of the muscle, located in the immediate vicinity of the spine, is involved in the adduction of the shoulder blades.
Exercises for the trapezoid
Despite the fact that the trapezius muscle during movement is usually involved simultaneously with other muscle groups, there are several special exercises aimed at training this particular muscle. So, one of the most popular exercises of this group among bodybuilders is the so-called shrugs, which are alternating lifting and lowering of the shoulder girdle, and at that moment there is a rather heavy load in the hands of the practitioner. It is these exercises that are considered one of the most effective for pumping the upper trapezius muscle.
As such a load, various options for weights can be used: exercises performed with a barbell, dumbbells or other devices are common. In addition, exercises designed to develop the trapezius muscle can differ between themselves and the position of this weight: for example, the barbell during the exercise can be located in front of or behind the body of the practitioner.
In addition, exercises aimed at developing trapeziums usually include a variety of deadlifts, performed both with free weights and in simulators. This type of exercise to a greater extent activates the growth of the middle part of the muscle, close to the spine. Finally, pulling up and lifting overhead helps develop the bottom of the trapezoid.