If you decide to take care of yourself and purchased a gym membership, then one of the questions that will worry you is how many times a week to train? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since everything depends on your goals and aspirations.

So, every girl who decides to visit the gym has her own goal. Some beauties just want to pump up a little, "wake up" the muscles, other ladies need to lose weight and give their figure appetizing forms, there are also girls who visit a fitness club for handsome guys. Therefore, for each representative of the fair sex, the answer to the question of how many times a week to train will be individual.
If you belong to the first category of women: you have a slender figure, but want to tighten up problem areas a little and do not need to lose much weight, then strength training 2-3 times a week is suitable for you. If you do not have many problem areas that you would like to correct, then you can do 2 strength training (before them warm up on a cardio machine for 7-10 minutes) per week on body parts that require workout. And plus to this, once every seven days, attend some group exercises aimed at working out the whole body. This will shake unreached muscles and keep you from getting bored. Such strength workers in the group include body shock training, body condition, perfect body and many others.
If you belong to the second category of women and the goal of your going to the gym is to lose weight and build your body, then at first you will have to sweat. You are advised to practice 5 times a week. In 7 days, you should undergo 3 strength training, after which the obligatory cardio 20-30 minutes and 2 cardio workouts of 45 minutes each. It is advisable that the program of strength training be made by an experienced fitness trainer who can show how to do the exercises correctly and not get injured. It is recommended to choose an ellipsoid as cardio equipment, it minimally loads the knee joints, and the treadmill. Once a week, you can swim in the pool, replacing one cardio workout with water activities.
In the future, when your weight begins to decrease, and your figure acquires the desired shape, you can reduce the number of exercises to 3-4. It is advisable to leave cardio at least once a week, especially for women who are prone to obesity and rapid weight gain. And further. Do not practice the same program for a long time. It is recommended to change it every 4-8 weeks. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly resort to the help of a trainer (the prices for their services sometimes "bite"), then simply add new ones to the existing scheme of exercises. Swap them, take heavier dumbbells. In general, add variety to your workouts, so the muscles will not be able to get used to the stress, and the process of weight loss will not slow down.
And the last category of girls is those who go to the hall to show off. It's up to you to decide how many times a week you train. But a little advice. If you have already come to the gym, then work out, it is useful for the figure, and for health too. And the optimal number of lessons per week is still 2-3.