Cardio training allows you to tone the muscles in a matter of weeks, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, and reduce the fat layer in problem areas. For a month of intense exercise, you can burn up to 5-6 kg. What cardio exercises are more effective to do at home?

Cardio is one of the most effective ways to get your body in shape. A month of daily 30-minute aerobic activity will allow you to get rid of 3 to 9 kg, depending on the initial body weight. In addition to volume reduction, cardio exercise also benefits health by strengthening the heart and blood vessels, restoring the nervous system, and reducing shortness of breath. Within 3-4 weeks you will feel that it has become easier to climb the stairs, and the route from home to work does not seem so insurmountable.
Cardio workout program
The cardio training program is selected individually. The duration and frequency of exercise, the intensity of the load is influenced by such factors as the initial body weight, the presence or absence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, contraindications from the cardiovascular system.
Before starting classes, you need to consult with a cardiologist if you are registered with him and have recently undergone surgery. For people suffering from joint diseases, it will not be superfluous to talk with an orthopedist, traumatologist or therapist. Specialist consultation will also be required for patients who have been diagnosed with obesity - due to the large weight, the load on the knee and ankle joints increases, and the risk of injury increases.

Cardio workouts at home include dancing, aerobics, jumping rope, exercise on an orbit track and stationary bike. If the purchase of sports equipment is an overhead pleasure, then it is better to give preference to dance aerobics. You can find dozens of courses online for both beginner sports fans and trained people.
It is better to choose circular complexes with minimal rest between exercises. The movements are fast, intense - jumps, lunges, squats, swinging legs and arms. The duration of such cardio workouts for burning fat is 30-40 minutes. During this time, it is possible to get rid of 200-400 kcal.

If there are health restrictions, then programs with a low shock load are chosen. The movements are smoother, slower - stretching, walking, alternating leg raises, body turns. The duration of the training also varies within 30-40 minutes. Such a cardio training program allows you to burn up to 150-200 kcal.
Heart rate during cardio training
During cardio training, it is important to monitor your heart rate - pulse. The higher this indicator, the more efficiently the fat burning process takes place. However, it is not recommended to drive the heart rate into the "red zone" - it is fraught with serious health problems.
The norm is considered to be 60–75 beats / min. Such a pulse is observed in men and women of middle age at rest - after waking up, but before getting out of bed. It should be remembered that age and a number of diseases affect the heart rate at rest.
When doing cardio at home, tracking your heart rate is difficult. You will have to interrupt the training and calculate the heartbeats by placing your index and middle fingers on a vein in your wrist or carotid artery. Any exercise machine - an orbit track, a treadmill, a bicycle - will show the heart rate in the hall. It is enough to hold on to the handles with sensors for 4–7 seconds.

For effective fat burning, the heart rate should be 65–80% of the maximum heart rate (MPR). This indicator is calculated by the formula: 220 - age = MPI. For example, for a 30-year-old woman, the maximum heart rate should vary around 190 bpm. Accordingly, the most effective fat burning will be observed with a heart rate of 140 to 155 beats / min.
Music for cardio workouts
Cardio workouts at home are best done with energetic and rhythmic music. Especially if you combine cardio with strength training. Otherwise, you will be distracted by extraneous matters, take too long breaks between sets.
Music for cardio training is selected according to the intensity of the exercise. Take the time to spend 30-40 minutes to put together a playlist. It is advisable to try a few exercises with music. If the movements are easy, bring pleasure, and the breath does not go astray, then such a track should definitely be present in your selection.

Home cardio workouts for weight loss can be used by both beginners and advanced athletes. Such classes will be an excellent alternative to a gym located in an inconvenient area of the city or with an expensive subscription. For several months of regular exercise 3-4 times a week, you will be able to get rid of 8-10 kg. Make sure to take the time to strength training to avoid sagging skin.