A slender, toned body, without a drop of excess weight is the dream of any woman. For many, it remains unrealizable. It is important to know that on the way to a perfect body, you need to be ready to drop laziness and love physical activity.

Step 1
Do not reduce the calorie intake of your daily diet.
In order for the body to start building a muscle corset, energy is needed, which is converted from food. You need to understand that first of all, excess fat will be burned, and only then muscle mass will be built up. Therefore, during periods of intense training, you need to consume at least 1700 kcal per day. If the task is to gain weight, the calorie content should be increased by another 500.
Step 2
Increase your intake of foods that contain protein.
To build a sculpted body, the body needs protein. Eat protein-rich foods daily: boiled breast, eggs, seafood, fish, lean meat, nuts, dairy products. For every 0.5 kg of weight, there should be 1 g of protein.
Step 3
Choose only healthy carbohydrates.
Oatmeal, legumes, fresh vegetables, whole grain breads, buckwheat, brown rice - these carbohydrates will provide the body with vitamins and minerals to promote healthy muscle growth.
Step 4
Eat regularly.
When exercising with strength, it is very important that food enters the body without interruption. Eat small meals, 5 times a day, at intervals of several hours. Preference should be given to protein and carbohydrate foods (vegetables, cereals).
Step 5
Start any strength training with stretching.
Stretching exercises contribute to the flexibility and elasticity of the muscles. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from injury.
Step 6
Don't overdo your cardio workouts.
Set aside two days a week for jogging or aerobics. To build muscle mass, you need to focus on sprint classes. This is when high-speed loads are performed in a short time.
Step 7
Reduce the number of sets.
Do no more than 15 sets for each muscle group. It is important to remember that it is not quantity that increases muscle mass, but quality. Exercise heavier or as fast as possible. One approach should last no more than a minute. The workout itself should take up to 45 minutes a day.
Step 8
Drink protein shakes before and after class.
The body needs protein replenishment both before and after exercise.
Step 9
Recover properly after exercise.
When the body replaces the fat layer with the muscle layer, quite normal stress occurs. To help the body recover, it is important to get proper rest after exercise. Night sleep should be at least 8 hours. If this time has been missed, take a rest for it during the day. This is very important, since it is during sleep that the body produces the hormones needed for muscle growth. If you don't get enough sleep, the reverse process will begin, and instead of the correct hormones, cortisol, which is responsible for the accumulation of fat mass, will be produced.