Fat and muscle tissue are of different nature and cannot transform into each other. As a rule, we are talking about the gradual replacement of one species with another. The most common recommendation is to combine strength training with cardio training. During the first, muscle tissue is built up, during the second, fat cells are burned. But recent developments in the field of fitness have proven that there is a more effective way to exercise for a beautiful body. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Step 1
Train three times a week. Each day has its own set of exercises. For example, on the first day, do exercises 1 and 2, on the second, do exercises 3 to 6, and on the third you should do exercises 7 to 10.
Step 2
Take a rest break between training days for at least 48 hours. You can choose Monday, Wednesday, Friday as training days.
Step 3
The first workout is performed in the “back ladder” mode. For example, do 15 repetitions of the first exercise, immediately do 15 repetitions of the second exercise without interruption, then 14, then 13, and so on. The second workout is performed in a circle for 10 minutes. The third workout is also done in a circle for 20 minutes.
Step 4
Take one dumbbell by the bar. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and bend your knees slightly. Bend over and, sitting down, swing your straight arm back between your legs. As soon as the shoulder touches the thigh, jerk the hips forward and straighten. Thus, the dumbbell will rise to the level of the chin. Relax your arms, they are not involved in lifting the dumbbell. The work is carried out due to the work of the corps. Perform the required number of repetitions with one hand, then the other, and move on to the second exercise.
Step 5
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Quickly lower yourself into a deep squat, touch the floor with your palms. Place your palms immediately in front of your feet. Now, pushing off with your feet, go to the supine position. Squeeze out immediately and return to the starting position, performing all the movements in reverse order.
Step 6
Pick up dumbbells and raise them above your head. The hands are facing each other. Walk at a moderate pace with your arms raised. Do not slouch or lower your head. Take 10 steps.
Step 7
Stand with your hands on the dumbbells. Don't bend your lower back. Squeeze out. Having risen to the support, immediately turn the body to the right, lift your right hand with a dumbbell up so that the body forms the letter T. Repeat with the raising of the left hand. This is one repeat. Do 10 repetitions.
Step 8
Take dumbbells in your hands and lift them to your shoulders. Sit down deeply, then immediately rise and, by inertia, squeeze your arms above your head. Do 10 reps.
Step 9
Stand on dumbbells as if you are going to do push-ups. Pull the left dumbbell toward the left side of your chest. Hold for a second and lower the dumbbell to the floor. Row with your right hand. This is one repeat. Do 10 repetitions and return to the third exercise.
Step 10
Place your feet slightly wider than your hips, feet parallel. Take your pelvis back, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Lean forward slightly with your hand in front of your chest. Take three quick side steps to the left, then six steps to the right and three steps to the left. You went back to starting position and did one set.
Step 11
Stand up on dumbbells. Straighten your body in one line. Push up once and perform a dumbbell row with your right hand. Place the dumbbell on the floor. Squeeze out again and do the deadlift with your left hand. This is one repeat. Do six reps.
Step 12
Pick up dumbbells and place your feet hip-width apart. Take a wide step back with your left foot and lower into a lunge, bending both legs to a right angle. Return to a stance and lunge back with your right foot. The abdominal muscles should be tense, do not bend forward during movement. This is one repeat. Do six reps.
Step 13
Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, your feet together. Take a dumbbell in your left hand and lift it above you. Raise your torso while maintaining the dumbbell arm position. Then lunge forward and rise to your feet. The hand is raised strictly vertically all the time. Performing the movements in reverse order, lie on the floor. Do six lifts with a dumbbell in your left hand, then do the same with a dumbbell in your right. This is one set. Move on to the seventh exercise.