How To Build Oblique Abdominal Muscles

How To Build Oblique Abdominal Muscles
How To Build Oblique Abdominal Muscles

Strong obliques help shape a flat belly and a beautiful waist. You can pump them up in a few weeks if you perform a simple set of exercises. Exercise daily one hour before meals or an hour and a half after meals.

Regular exercise will help build your oblique abdominal muscles
Regular exercise will help build your oblique abdominal muscles

Exercises for the internal oblique muscles of the abdomen

Stand in front of a large mirror so that you can clearly see your movements during the exercise. Tighten your pelvic area by locking it in place. Pull the body to the right, while the abdominal muscles will tense as much as possible. Return to starting position. Stretch your upper body to the left. Do the exercise 12 to 15 times.

Bend your arms slightly at the elbows and rotate the body to the right and left. Watch the position of the hips, they must be fixed in one place, otherwise the load on the oblique abdominal muscles will be weak. Twist for two minutes.

Place your palms on your hips, and make circular movements to the right with your body. At the same time, keep the pelvis fixed again. Do 20 rotations, then change direction. When doing the exercise, do not pull the body back too much, otherwise you can damage the spine.

Raise your right hand up, place your left palm on the waist. As you exhale, bend your body to the left, inhale and straighten up. Do 19 more reps. Then swap your hands and bend to the right.

Stand straight with your hands in front of your chest. As you exhale, tilt your body forward and stretch your right hand. As you inhale, rise. On the next bend, extend your left arm in front of you. Perform 20 bends.

The situation is the same. As you exhale, lift your left leg above the floor, at the same time stretch your right elbow towards the knee. When inhaling, return your foot to the floor. Repeat the exercise with the right knee and left elbow. Perform 20 sets for each option.

Sit with your knees bent and your arms crossed over your chest. As you exhale, twist your body to the left and stretch your right elbow toward your left knee. Straighten the body while inhaling. Next, make a turn to the right and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Do the exercise 30 times.

Exercises for the external oblique abdominal muscles

Lie on your back, lower your arms, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. As you exhale, lift the body, stretch your chin to the base of the neck. Try to reach with the fingers of your left hand to the foot of the same name. Go back to the center. Then follow the same movement to the right. Breathe evenly while rocking. Do the exercise for a minute. As you inhale, lower yourself to the floor.

Raise your hands up, lift your feet off the floor. With an exhale, twist, pointing both knees to the left, and move your arms to the right. As you inhale, bring your hands and knees back to the center. Then move your legs to the right and your arms to the left of the body. Perform 10 twists in both versions.
