Bodybuilding is a fast growing sport, especially among men who want to look impressive with their muscle mass. Several basic exercises, which are called basic, will help to recruit it.
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Basic exercises
The term "bodybuilding", which is translated from English as "building the body", implies sports that allow not only to get rid of excess fat, but also to build muscle mass, which will allow the body to look beautiful and relief. At the same time, for these purposes in bodybuilding, exercises with rather serious weights are usually used.
The fact is that, according to experts in this field, it is the use of weights when performing exercises that promotes muscle growth: in this case, the body understands that the available muscle mass is not enough for the tasks assigned to it, therefore it begins to work on increasing it. Moreover, if, coming to the gym, a person sets himself the task of muscle growth, the weights used when performing exercises should be constantly increased, since this is precisely the condition for progress.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that all exercises performed in the gym can be divided into basic and isolated. Isolated exercises allow you to work out a specific muscle in order to achieve its relief tracing or simply to improve the condition of a lagging muscle group. However, those who set themselves the general goal of building a beautiful body should focus on basic exercises. These include those in the process of performing which a large number of muscle groups are simultaneously involved, which makes it possible to give the body a more effective load in a shorter period of time.
Popular basic exercises
Bodybuilding experts identify several basic basic exercises, claiming that, performing only them in a time pressure, it is quite possible to achieve your goals and increase muscle mass. So, the first of these exercises is the bench press, which is a lifting of the bar with a weight that is large enough for a particular person. This lift is performed with both hands with a wide grip from a prone position. At the same time, intending to perform such an exercise, it is advisable to ask another practitioner to insure you so that you do not accidentally drop a heavy barbell on your chest during exercise.
The second basic exercise that simultaneously loads muscle groups in various parts of the body is the so-called deadlift. It represents lifting a barbell lying on the floor. During this exercise, the person performing it should bend over and, taking the bar with both hands, straighten so that the bar is in the arms extended down at the level of the hips. Finally, the third most popular basic exercise is the barbell squat, which involves squatting until the thigh is parallel to the floor and then returning to the starting position. During the entire exercise, the bar should be on the shoulders of the practitioner.
During the performance of all basic exercises, the correct technique for their implementation is extremely important, since its observance not only guarantees an effective result, but also protects the practitioner from injury to the joints or other parts of the body, which are not uncommon if the exercises are performed incorrectly. Therefore, it is advisable to start exercising with light weight, asking the trainer in the gym to see if you are doing the exercise correctly. And only after you have managed to deliver the correct technique, you can begin the process of increasing the weight of the bar.