In order to correct the shape of the legs, you need to master some physical exercises with which you can change the contours of the figure. It must also be remembered that it is not recommended to strain the muscles to the limit, you can injure the vessels.

- - sports ball;
- - rug or soft blanket.
Step 1
To achieve an increase in the volume of the muscles of the thighs, you need to do up to 10 squats at a time, holding a sports ball weighing at least 3 kg.
Step 2
The next exercise is called the pistol. You need to squat on one leg, do the exercise 10 times, alternating legs.
Step 3
Jumping upwards contributes to the increase in the volume of the hips. Perform them while sitting. Jump high up several times, then take a break for a minute and repeat the exercise.
Step 4
If possible, practice the exercises with a partner. Place it in front of you and ask for resistance when you get up from a sitting position. Let your partner put pressure on your shoulders as you try to stand up. Do the exercise 7 to 10 times.
Step 5
An exercise bike is a good assistant in contouring the shape of the legs. The most effective mode of driving is considered to be uphill. Do the exercise for at least a minute, then take a short break and repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
Step 6
To strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh, you need to do the following exercises. You need to stand with your back to the wall, put your hands on your belt and do short swings with a straight leg. Try not to swing too high, your foot is long enough, but do this exercise at a high speed. It is necessary to perform up to 10 swings with each leg.
Step 7
The next exercise is best done in the pool. You need to lie down on the surface of the water, grabbing the side or an air mattress with your hands, and in turn relax and strain the muscles of your legs, slowly lifting up one or the other leg. It is advisable to perform the exercise from 7 to 10 times.
Step 8
Take a rug or soft blanket folded in half. Swing your legs while lying on your side. Do up to 20 swings with each leg, then rest and repeat the exercise.
Step 9
Walking in place helps to strengthen the inner thighs. It is important to remember to raise your knees when walking as high as possible. Anyone who does not like walking can replace the exercise with light running or jumping.
Step 10
Lie on your stomach and bend your legs, throwing them back. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.