Many people dislike carbohydrates for their tendency to be stored in reserve, but in reality, carbohydrates are different from carbohydrates. You need to have at least a general idea of simple and complex carbohydrates and their properties. In addition, there are both good and bad times to take carbohydrates. And just the same in training, carbohydrates will be appropriate.

If your goal is to gain muscle mass
First of all, carbohydrates are energy sources. If an athlete adheres to a low-carbohydrate diet for a long time, depletion of the body sets in very soon. In this state, training will go through strength and do more harm than good.
To avoid this, stop avoiding carbohydrates. To work on the growth of muscle mass, they are simply necessary. Therefore, on the day of training, stock up on sources of simple carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates provoke an immediate release of glucose into the blood. They contain sweet fruits, all sugars, white flour products.
For some, it may sound counterintuitive to take sweets with you to the gym. However, during heavy muscular work, the body constantly needs fast energy, and only simple carbohydrates can provide it. Do not worry, in your case they will not be deposited in the form of fat stores.
Outside the gym, you should not get carried away with fast carbs. They do tend to be easily converted to fat. Carbohydrates are justified when you are guaranteed to spend them on vigorous work.
If you want to lose weight
Also, you can not eat simple carbohydrates during training if you came to the gym in order to lose weight. In this case, the body must consume its own energy reserves.
If you are exercising for weight loss, you need to pay special attention to complex carbohydrates. Unlike simple ones, they do not cause a sharp jump in blood glucose. The energy is released from them gradually and evenly, which helps to maintain the feeling of satiety.
Complex carbohydrates can be taken both before and after training. They will help you to effectively recuperate. Taking simple carbs after exercise is only acceptable if you have been working to increase muscle mass.
Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and products from it, legumes, vegetables, and some fruits.
Bodybuilders even have such a thing as a "carbohydrate window". This concept means that within a certain period of time after training, it is most important to take a serving of simple carbohydrates. This will help muscle fibers recover faster and even kick-start the growth process.
There are different opinions about the "carbohydrate window". Some people think that it makes no sense to take carbohydrates immediately after strength training. On the contrary, it is only effective in a cardio situation (running, walking).
It is best to use a gainer as a source of carbohydrates both before and after your workout. It is a high-carb blend made by sports nutrition professionals. It contains a rich set of carbohydrates, both simple and complex.