Zumba is one of the most popular (and, according to many, the most enjoyable) ways to fight extra pounds, gain a slim figure and improve physical fitness. The combination of the rhythms of fiery latino, reggaeton, salsa and meringue allows you not to exert effort during exercise. Instead, complete satisfaction from ever smoother body movements and a great time!

Zumba is becoming an increasingly popular sport every year. I wonder why? Discover the benefits of this aerobics option. Find out why you should go to these classes and what you can get by doing zumba regularly! Not only is it fun, but it can also help you get a slender figure.
How much can you lose weight? How many calories are lost with zumba? Why is this particular fitness program a worthy replacement for a gym? There are many advantages, but it is enough to know at least the main 10 to make up your mind and try.
10 benefits of zumba
1. Burns a huge amount of calories
Repeated tests show that up to 800 kcal is burned in one hour of training! Isn't this a wonderful result? For comparison, an hour of running burns about 450 kcal. Many people wonder if it is possible to lose weight significantly with the help of a zumba. The answer is simple - yes!
2. Muscle formation
Unlike training in the gym, all muscle groups are involved at the same time. What does this mean in practice? Your entire body becomes elastic and sheds excess fat.
3. Variety and consistency
There is a reason why women don't like working out in the gym. Running the machine and cardio can scare off even the toughest women. It's boring and monotonous. But in the case of zumba, everything is different. Thanks to various movements and hot music, time passes imperceptibly, and thanks to active exercises, the body receives a colossal, but at the same time, uncomplicated load!
In sports, it is difficult to take the first step, but it is even more difficult to go to the next workout, and then again and again. Zumba, as a rule, are expected with pleasure.
4. Fast results and fast weight loss
Regular exercise will create an exercise effect that will be noticeable within a few weeks.
5. Zumba is the best way to relieve stress
Exercise helps to release all the stresses of everyday life and also makes you feel relaxed and calm. The point is that mental fatigue must always go hand in hand with physical fatigue. If this balance is maintained, the person feels relaxed.
6. Training is suitable for everyone
Beginner, advanced, young or old - everyone can take part in Zumba classes, and what's more - everyone, without exception, will get the same benefits and enjoyment.
7. The effect of a pleasant pastime
Does even one hour seem like an eternity when exercising on simulators? If a person does not like what he is doing, this is how it happens. And in a zumba, this hour passes in the blink of an eye.
8. Meeting new people
Attending organized sessions creates a bond between participants because they all have a common purpose and many topics of conversation.
9. Better body awareness
While dancing, a person trains muscles that are not used when exercising on simulators. An example is the back muscles, which are extremely beneficial for the spine when exercised. Thus, in only one workout, the whole body works completely. In addition, the participant begins to accept their body because the movements become fluid and extremely feminine!
10. Feeling happy
Regular exercise causes the body to release endorphins - hormones of happiness. It is thanks to them that we feel relaxed and completely happy after the end of the exercises!
How to start practicing Zumba?
You can choose one of two methods.
The first is to join a fitness club for teamwork. However, if for various reasons you prefer to study at home, you have nothing to lose. There are many videos on youtube channels showing different exercise variations. Choose the one you like and dance in front of the monitor with the virtual instructor. It's really easy! Just try it!