Soft grace, graceful movements, beautiful gait and the ability to move rhythmically to the sound of music - all these characteristics can be combined with the term "plasticity". If your body refuses to listen to you, the movements are awkward and abrupt, then you should do your plastic surgery.

Step 1
Dancing is the easiest and most enjoyable way to develop body mobility. Choose one or several directions that are close to you - modern dances, Latin American, strip plastic classes, oriental dances, etc. You must feel positive emotions, otherwise training will become a real torment. It is not at all necessary to practice dancing at a professional level - you can change your preferences, looking for loads that are acceptable for yourself. In order for you to be able to move freely and plasticly on the dance floor in a few weeks, two or three lessons a week are enough.
Step 2
Any stretching exercises will help make your body flexible - yoga, choreography, etc. By stretching your body in various positions, you train your muscles and strengthen your joints. If you are not lazy and practice every other day, then in a couple of months you will be able to boast of graceful movements. Yoga is suitable for those who do not like dancing - breathing practices, coupled with stretching exercises, will increase the endurance of the body, strengthen muscle fibers, and help make the body elastic, plastic and slim.
Step 3
Belly dancing is a great way to learn how to move gracefully, gracefully and flexibly. This type of physical activity does not overload the ankle or wrist joints, contributes to the formation of seductive curves, helps to master smooth and beautiful movements. Your gait will change, become more feminine and light. This dance technique also has a healing effect, eliminating congestion in the pelvic organs.
Step 4
Practice at home on your own if you don't have the time or opportunity to go to a dance studio or gym. Prepare an individual set of several exercises aimed at developing flexibility, stretching muscles and working out joints. This can be tilting the body to the sides, forward and backward, lunges, rotational movements, stretching the muscles of the legs, arms, etc. To control the amplitude and correctness of the execution of individual movements, train in front of a mirror - you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the exercises with each workout.