With push-ups of any kind, the following muscle groups are most involved: triceps, pectoral muscles and anterior deltas. If the goal is to increase the total number of push-ups, you should pay attention to these muscle groups. In order to develop them, it is necessary to use a specific set of exercises.

It is necessary
subscription to the gym
Step 1
Triceps, anterior delts and pectorals can be trained in one day. The most important thing here is not to overdo it with the number of repetitions and approaches in each exercise and complete the workout by working out the right amount of inside and out.
Step 2
Start your workout by working on your pectoral muscles. You can use a straight bench press or a dumbbell press as your first exercise. It is necessary to keep your hands as wide as possible from each other - in this case, it is the pectoral muscles that are exposed to the maximum load.
Step 3
Immediately after working on the pectorals, move on to pumping the triceps. Use dumbbells and a press machine to finish off the triceps after working on the chest. Begin by extending the dumbbell arm from behind the head and move on to the dumbbell arm extension in a knee-rest bend position. Then use the machine to press down. During all triceps exercises, keep your back straight and avoid cheating - this will work the triceps to the best extent.
Step 4
To work out the front deltas, use the barbell and dumbbell raises in front of you. Take the barbell in two hands and slowly raise it with slightly bent arms to a level that is just above eye level. After that, move on to dumbbell exercises. In delta exercises, the slower you do the exercise, the more the muscle is worked out.