The process of losing weight will go much faster if you add physical activity to proper nutrition. However, you should take into account some of the nuances associated with training.

When to eat: after or before?
An increase in physical activity inevitably leads to an increase in appetite, and this is quite normal, because the body begins to actively expend energy. But here a problem arises: if in the process of eating you gain more calories than consumed, the weight will not decrease. The way out of this situation is as follows - start exercising 1, 5-2 hours after eating, but before the period when the feeling of hunger becomes strong.
After your workout, indulge in a light snack, such as a glass of yogurt. After half an hour, you can additionally eat a fruit. Thus, you will not bring yourself to hungry colic and burn calories. By the way, after a workout, the metabolism becomes more intense for several hours.
When to train: morning or evening?
Exercise in the morning. So you will not only put in order muscle tone, but also "start" your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day. By the way, outdoor activities are more productive in this regard.
How to train: sets or in a circle?
Very often, the description of the exercises indicates how many approaches must be performed when performing it. For example, you do the exercise 15 times, rest for a minute, and repeat from the beginning. However, this technique is more suitable for those who already have a good athletic form and now strive to maintain it. For the owners of so far magnificent forms, training "in a circle" is more suitable, that is, you first perform all the exercises of the program one by one in one approach for each, and then start the second circle again from the first exercise. For weight loss, such a system is more effective.

The more repetitions, the better?
It turns out that this rule does not work for all exercises. For example, for the abdominal muscles, only the first 15-20 repetitions will be effective, then you should change the exercise, or add weights or fitball - with it, the training becomes more difficult.
Weight is gone - should you cut back on your workouts?
So, you've finally lost weight. What about training now? Is it possible to reduce their intensity? Better not, on the contrary, you can even increase it, but at the same time reduce the duration of the workout. However, it is best if the session is at least 30 minutes long. In doing so, do not forget to monitor your diet.