Throughout life, humanity is struggling with certain obstacles, physical, psychological, material and even invented. But there is a circle of people for whom obstacles are of particular interest. They not only learned to overcome them quickly, but also made of this a kind of extreme sport, which very quickly gained popularity among many segments of the population.

Parkour is a kind of unconventional sport discipline that carries many dangers, originated even before the outbreak of the First World War, and it was invented by one military man who introduced a new type of training for his fellow soldiers, including physical and moral stress, with the involvement of willpower. They usually trained in obstacle course, self-defense, rock climbing and free swimming, including elements of balancing act.
Later, this type of training was called the "Natural Method", which showed itself very well during the First and Second World War. Even after the end of the war, this method did not lose its popularity and the first group of people appeared who called themselves "Yamakashi". A group of people continued the idea of "Natural Method", only not for military purposes, but for more entertainment.
The word Parkour itself originated from the French expression - an obstacle course, in the course of its athlete, who was called a tracer, with the help of the acrobatic abilities of his body, overcame various difficult obstacles in as little time as possible.
Parkour is divided into two types: Acrostreet and Bilding. Acrostritis, which is also defined as street acrobatics, is performed on a flat surface without any belay or protection. Bilding is similar to rock climbing, only instead of rocky mountains there are multi-storey buildings and various buildings. Unlike the first type, building is prohibited, since climbing a building in many countries is considered a violation of public order or even the law.

This extreme sport did not receive official competitions, but the World Parkour Association was organized, schools began to appear in many countries, it began to be introduced into many law enforcement agencies, but most of all it became popular in various films and video games that showed this discipline in all its beauty. To this day, there are, and always will be, connoisseurs of this "Natural Method" who continue the history of the proven and very popular extreme sport.