For those who want to feel free, nothing is impossible, even if the gray walls of the metropolis are closed around. The parkour movement, which has become widespread in recent years, is gaining more and more followers. And now the tracers unexpectedly faced one more obstacle: the choice of a bright and memorable name for the team.

Step 1
As long as you are just training, it doesn't make much sense to call your parkour team something. After all, it so happens that things do not go beyond a loud name. But if you are sure that your team really has a future, then you can safely choose a name.
Step 2
Find a sonorous name for your team in English. To do this, choose several sonorous names (not necessarily with the words street, tracer or city). But before that, first of all, check if there are any other teams with a similar name (not only in your city, but also in the world). If you develop further, then in order to reach a good level, you will have to participate in competitions. And in competitions, all team names must be original.
Step 3
Choose words and phrases that indicate movement or with a bright emotional and expressive coloring. For example: "Reckless Citizens", "Celestial Lumpen" or "Running Through".
Step 4
You can name the team in French, keeping in mind the French origin of the term itself - "parkour" ("obstacle course").
Step 5
Name your team according to your other hobbies: music, literature, cinema. For example, Generation P (“P” here can mean “parkour”), “Air Transformers”, Trance style, etc.
Step 6
The fact that you are a team of like-minded people does not mean that the word team must be present in the name of your group. Try to find synonyms for this word. If you are not yet fluent in English, you can use the words "union", "union", "block".
Step 7
The simplest solution is to choose any word that you associate with parkour and add the numerical value of your region to it. For example, "Overcoming-63" or "Flight-01".
Step 8
Be sure to bring the issue of the team name to a vote or discussion. Listen to each other's wishes in order not to just be called, but to be a real team.