The level of flexibility in the body indicates the condition of joints, ligaments and muscles. If a person effortlessly twists in the spine and performs many other complex movements, then we can say that he is flexible. Stretching and twisting exercises can help increase body flexibility.

Step 1
Stand straight, raise your hands up, join your fingers in a "lock". As you inhale, direct your knees, pelvis, abdomen, chest forward. Bend the spine back in an arc, lower the chin to the base of the neck. Breathe calmly, if you feel a tremor in your body, then get out of the pose. The return happens in this way: while inhaling, first direct your knees back, then your hips, straighten in the spine.
Step 2
Place your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body. As you exhale, tilt your torso towards your hips. Stretch your chest forward, place your palms on your shins. Straighten up as you inhale.
Step 3
Get on your right knee, move your left leg to the side, raise your hands up. With an exhalation, tilt the body sideways to the left leg, bending the spine as much as possible. Hold for 1 minute in the pose. With an inhalation, fully straighten. Swap your legs and tilt to the right.
Step 4
Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the sides, raise your arms up. With an exhalation, bend your chest to the floor, place your palms on the floor in front of you. Try to relax your leg muscles as much as possible, this will allow you to gradually bend even lower towards the floor. After 3 minutes, slowly straighten up.
Step 5
Get on your knees, lower your arms along your body. As you inhale, open your chest, take your shoulders back, lower your palms on your heels, directing your pelvis forward. Try to raise the buttocks from the heels as high as possible, tilt the chin to the base of the neck. After 20 seconds, while inhaling, push off your heels with your palms and stand up straight.
Step 6
Sit between your heels, lower your buttocks completely to the floor. If this position of the body is difficult for you, then slightly rise above the floor, after a few sessions you will be able to easily sit in a pose. If you perform the exercise without pain, then bend back and rest on your elbows. The most difficult position for this stretch is to completely lower your back to the floor. Do the exercise for 1 to 4 minutes depending on your physical sensations.