In order to look spectacular, it is not enough just to gain weight. In order for the muscles to be clearly visible, special attention must be paid to the "drying" process. This process is distinguished by the fact that over a period of time, the athlete increases the intensity of the exercise and decreases the calorie intake. Thus, his body begins to burn fat at an accelerated rate, which provides relief.

It is necessary
subscription to the gym
Step 1
Start with aerobic exercise first. Work on a treadmill or stationary bike one to two times a day, each time working at your limit for half an hour. The load should not be normalized, choose a program that supports the "ragged" rhythm.
Step 2
After a week of these exercises, continue your previous workouts by combining them with aerobic exercise. Now you should do exercises with a weight that is half your maximum, respectively, doubling the number of repetitions in each approach. This will stress the muscles, preventing them from growing, but burning off the subcutaneous fat that prevents them from being bumpy.
Step 3
Cut back on the number of calories you consume. Use low-calorie foods, avoid fatty and starchy foods. Try to drink as much fluid as possible to make up for the loss of fluid from intense exercise. Sleep at least eight hours a day - high-intensity training takes time to recuperate in order to avoid overtraining.