How To Train Your Heart Muscle

How To Train Your Heart Muscle
How To Train Your Heart Muscle

The heart is the most important organ, without which a person cannot live. Your life and health depends on how strong your heart is. It is the main engine in the blood circulation mechanism, which works 24 hours a day and therefore needs special training.

How to train your heart muscle
How to train your heart muscle

What do cardiac muscle training give?

An untrained heart, if you put too much stress on it, will immediately react. Lack of physical activity has a detrimental effect on the whole body as a whole, and on the strength of the heart muscle as well. Therefore, people who are accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, starting physical work or exercise, get tired after a couple of minutes: they begin to choke, sweat, etc. The reason lies precisely in the fact that the heart receives an unusual load, and the blood does not have time to be saturated with oxygen. If you avoid physical activity for many years, a person runs the risk of getting a serious illness, as his heart muscle becomes weaker and weaker. Smoking and alcohol also have a negative impact: smokers and strong drinkers are much more likely to one day be a regular visitor to a medical cardiology center.

What kind of workouts are good for the heart?

It should be noted that not all sports are suitable for training the heart muscle. Professional boxers, weightlifters, diving and parachute jumping enthusiasts often find themselves in a hospital bed. This does not mean that you have to give up your favorite activity, just keep in mind that every activity is good in moderation.

Aerobic activities are most suitable for training the heart muscle. Running, swimming, gymnastics, training in the gym with lifting small weights. The main thing is to ensure that the heart rate does not exceed 120-150 beats per minute. This rhythm allows the heart muscle to increase its power, as the internal volume of the heart increases, and more blood is pumped with fewer muscle contractions. This kind of training will not only allow you to become stronger, but also increase the life of your heart.

You can monitor your heart rate using special devices - heart rate monitors. Most exercise machines are equipped with heart rate sensors, but they can be purchased separately or in combination, for example, with a watch or a smartphone. Please note that training should be regular - at least 2 times a week, and long enough - at least 2 hours. Excessive stress is bad for the heart. With a pulse of 180 beats per minute, the walls of the heart muscle thicken. This fact implies an increase in the total mass of the heart, which is unlikely to be beneficial to health. In other words - watch the loads and remember that you need to approach your heart training wisely.
