If there is a desire to attend boxing lessons, then this is already good and we can say that the first stage has been passed in preparation for the first training session. Now you can proceed to the second stage, namely, visiting the gym in order to purchase a subscription and to talk with the coach.

Try to find the most convenient visit schedule so as not to miss a single workout. The coach must certainly familiarize with what is needed for boxing, but let's try to consider everything on our own. So, if you are just a beginner, then, accordingly, no coach of the country and the world will ever put such a "boxer" on shells and sparring. Therefore, you only need jump ropes and sportswear. Keep in mind that it should be as comfortable as possible, breathable and not hot, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to train.

Then after a few weeks you will need to buy bandages, gloves, mouth guard and helmet. It is worth noting that this is quite expensive, but, nevertheless, without these elements, not a single coach will put into sparring. It is even worth watching films about boxing, where no athlete enters the ring without these elements, neither in training, nor at the championship. Now you can proceed to the equipment stage before the competition. To do this, it is imperative to buy red and blue sports shirts, boxing shorts, a bandage or, in other words, a "shell". At the same time, you have bandages, gloves and a mouth guard. You will also need special shoes, they are called boxers. Such shoes do not slip and hold the foot firmly enough, which allows you to confidently move around the ring.
Be sure to consider all the stages, evaluate your own capabilities for each element, and only then you can move on to implementing your plans for boxing. The main thing is not to skip training and to fulfill every coach's requirement as diligently as possible. Also keep in mind that the higher quality attributes a boxer buys, the longer they will last him.