Weightlifting in the modern Summer Olympic Games first appeared in 1896 in Athens. Since then, athletes have consistently delighted spectators with their remarkable strength, with the exception of 1900, 1908 and 1912, when there were no competitions in this sport. Women weightlifters competed for the first time at the Sydney Olympics in 2000.

Weightlifting is a technical and strength sport. Its basis is the lifting of as heavy weight as possible by athletes. Athletes perform two exercises with a projectile - snatch and clean and jerk.
Since 1896, the competition program has been constantly changing. Athletes performed a press, a two-handed push, a one-handed push, and a snatch. Weightlifting first consisted of triathlon, then pentathlon. Only in 1973 was established the biathlon, which is still active today, with a jerk and a jerk with two hands.
Athletes at the championships and the Olympics perform the delivery. This exercise consists of taking on straight and then raised arms of the heaviest weight for the athlete. The position of the barbell on outstretched arms is fixed by the judges, only then the projectile can be lowered, otherwise the attempt will not be counted.
The snatch is carried out by raising the bar with pancakes above the participant's head in one verified movement. The athlete "pulls" the load directly from the platform on straightened arms, sitting down under it. Already with the barbell over his head, the weightlifter stands up, straightening his legs.
The push is divided into two movements. The first of them is the athlete tears off the projectile from the platform and puts it on his chest, sitting down at the same time. Then the athlete rises. The next movement is a half-squat and a sharp push with the barbell upwards on straightened arms. At the same time, for convenience, the legs can be spread to the sides or forward and backward for better support. With the barbell locked overhead, the weightlifter should place his feet level.
Weightlifting involves direct competition. Each athlete is entitled to three attempts in both snatch and clean and jerk. When displaying the result, the maximum weights in the exercise are summed up.
Girls do the same exercises as men. But, of course, with less weights.
All athletes are divided into different competing groups depending on their weight. The program of the Olympic Games has 8 disciplines for men and 7 for women. As a result, a total of 15 sets of medals are played, one for the athletes of each weight. In men, the following categories are distinguished: up to 56, 62, 69, 77, 85, 94, 105 and over 105 kilograms. Women are divided into groups by weight: up to 48, 53, 58, 63, 69, 75 and over 75 kilograms.