Under any circumstances, the figure of a woman is constantly in the spotlight. In pursuit of harmony, female representatives are on diets, visit gyms and beauty salons. Along with the beautiful shapes of the chest, back, legs in a woman's figure, neat and elastic buttocks are especially appreciated, which look attractive and out of place both in a tight dress and in tight jeans. The buttocks can be pumped up with simple exercises.

It is necessary
Dumbbells or barbell for loading, perseverance
Step 1
Get ready for deep weighted squats. As a load, you can take dumbbells, a barbell, barbell discs. If you are studying at home, anything that is comfortable to hold in your hand (for example, plastic bottles filled with water) will do. The weight of the load should not be too heavy. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and start squatting as low as possible, keeping your back straight if possible. Your thighs should "sit" on your calves, and your buttocks should almost reach your heels. Do squats 10-12 times, then a break of 20-30 seconds and squats again. So 5-6 approaches (in the first days 3-4 approaches are possible).
Step 2
Exercise - lunges forward. Step your right leg forward should be done so that the leg at the knee is bent 90 °. In this case, the left leg remaining in place should also bend at the knee at a right angle (the knee should slightly touch the floor, but not rest against it). They made a sharp lunge - returned to the starting position, again lunge, the starting position. Change your legs. Aim to do 4-6 sets of 5 lunges on each leg. The exercise is also performed with a load (barbell or dumbbells in the hands).
Step 3
Swing your legs. Go to the wall, turn to face it and rest your hands (palms) on it. Slowly move one leg back about half a meter. The thigh muscles should work especially actively in this case (in fact, the swing is performed by the hip). The swing should take place on exhalation, return to the starting position - on inhalation. Alternate legs. Perform 4-5 approaches 10-12 times. To enhance the effect, you can hang a weight of 0.5-1 kg on each hand on the ankles.
Step 4
Also swing legs, but in a different starting position. Get on all fours with your elbows on the floor. Do alternately swinging your legs up and back, lingering at the end point for 2-3 seconds, and then take the starting position. 10-12 times for each leg, 4 sets.
Step 5
The exercise is called the "bridge". Lie on your back and bend your knees, bringing your heels to your buttocks. In this case, the arms should be extended along the body. Lift your pelvis up so that a straight line of the back-buttocks-thighs forms. Hold at the top point for 2-3 seconds. 10-12 times for each leg, 4 sets.
Step 6
Remember exercise number 3 and repeat almost the same thing, just stand sideways to the wall and rest against it with one hand, and swing your leg to the side. Mach can be as high as your strength and capabilities are enough. Change your legs. 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
Step 7
Also swing your legs, only in the "lying on your side" position. Lie comfortably with your shoulders raised, your hand on the elbow with an emphasis on the floor. The legs are extended. Raise your leg slowly, slightly holding it at the top point. Try to keep your foot just above your head when lifting. 10-12 swings of each leg with 4 sets.