How To Pump Up Brazilian Buttocks At Home

How To Pump Up Brazilian Buttocks At Home
How To Pump Up Brazilian Buttocks At Home

One of the secrets of the extraordinary popularity of Brazilian carnivals are the performances of dancers who not only impress with their bright exotic outfits, but also delight with perfectly built and fit figures. Looking at all this beauty, many women are wondering how to pump up Brazilian buttocks at home and become as attractive as beauties from television screens.

How to pump up Brazilian buttocks at home
How to pump up Brazilian buttocks at home

Things to Consider Before Starting Your Workouts

If you dream of pumping up your Brazilian buttocks, keep in mind that the typical Brazilian booty "chair" is the privilege of those who are naturally endowed with such anatomical features. However, those who have pear-shaped or rounded buttocks should not be upset, because not only the special shape of the "fifth point" but also elastic, toned buttocks without signs of cellulite is the pride of Brazilian dancers, and it is quite possible to achieve the same results with the help of regular training and proper nutrition.

Exercises for the buttocks

You can pump up Brazilian buttocks both in the gym and at home. The core of the glute exercises is a strength program with sleep squats and classic weighted squats.

To do split squats, you need a bench. Place your left foot on your toes on the bench, which should be in the back, and put your right foot forward, draw in your stomach and begin to bend the knee of your right leg, at the same time stretching your pelvis back. To pump up the Brazilian buttocks, you simply cannot do without weights. Therefore, it is best to purchase a step and a mini barbell in advance for training.

Walking lunges are very effective exercises. They should be performed as follows: step with your right foot forward, while slowly lowering your left knee to the floor, then stand up and perform the same lunge on your right knee. This exercise should be done for 5-6 minutes, changing the order of the legs.

Do not forget about the classic weighted squats if you dream of pumping up your Brazilian buttocks. Place your feet in a natural position with your toes slightly turned to the sides. Place the bar on your shoulders from the bar and begin slow squats, slightly pulling your pelvis back. The thighs at the extreme point of the squat should be parallel to the surface of the floor. You need to perform the exercise slowly in 3-4 sets, 8-12 times.

If you want to pump up your Brazilian buttocks at home, exercise videos will come in handy. Buy a disc or download a video tutorial on the Internet.

If a Brazilian butt is your goal, don't neglect stair climbing and jumping rope. These seemingly simple exercises are actually quite effective.

How to eat

Proper nutrition is a very important factor that directly affects skin elasticity and body shape. A Brazilian butt lift is impossible without a balanced diet, the main principle of which is not to reduce calories through fasting, but to actively expend them. That is, if you have allowed yourself too much, do not be lazy to do a few extra approaches in the process of daily training. To get rid of cellulite and make your skin smooth and supple, eliminate soda from your diet and cut back on coffee and strong tea. Replace your usual drinks with lemon water or ginger tea.

If you notice that exercising isn't helping to tighten your glutes, it may signal that your body is simply lacking in protein. Include protein-rich foods on your menu and stay focused on your workout.
