If you plan to train the muscles of the whole body, do not forget to pay attention, in addition to physical activity, and nutrition. It should be balanced and high in protein. But you should make up not only a diet, but also a class schedule.

Step 1
As soon as you choose the days that are comfortable for you, start training. As for the exercises themselves, so-called general exercises can be recommended for the muscles of the whole body, which can be performed both in the gym and at home.
Step 2
In order to build up the muscles of the back and shoulders, you can pull up on the horizontal bar. First, take a wide grip and pull yourself up to the level of the bar so that your chin is above it. You need to go down slowly, otherwise you can pull the muscles or ligaments. By the way, do not fully straighten your arms and do not take a break, but immediately rise up. Those who want to start immediately with weights should not do this. In addition, it should be noted that weight should be added gradually, without burdening your body with unbearable physical exertion.
Step 3
You can pump up the pectoral muscles using push-ups. In the first couples in one approach, do no more than six to eight repetitions, but over time you can increase them to fifteen or twenty. Remember to do more push-ups and fewer sets to be more effective. Thus, in one set, try to lay out the maximum possible strength.
Step 4
Squats are the best way to train the muscles of the legs. Start with 10 or 15 repetitions per day. But keep in mind that the optimal and giving results is considered to be the number of squats not less than 100. When performing the exercise, you should follow a few simple instructions: keep your back straight, do not lift your feet off the floor, and keep your hips parallel to the floor. This is the only way you can work out as many muscles in your legs as possible.
Step 5
Swing the muscles of the arms: sit down, keep the body straight, do not bend your back. Take dumbbells in your hands and start lifting them, bending your elbows to the limit. Now lower the dumbbells, straighten your hands. You need to repeat the exercise 8-10 times.