How Not To Build Muscle When Exercising

How Not To Build Muscle When Exercising
How Not To Build Muscle When Exercising

Table of contents:


As a rule, athletes working out in gyms make maximum efforts to increase muscle mass. The desire to reduce muscle size may seem strange, but still, if you set yourself such a goal, you will not be alone.

How not to build muscle when exercising
How not to build muscle when exercising


Step 1

You can't just stop playing sports, muscle tissue is very easily replaced by adipose tissue. You will have to train with light weight and a lot of approaches. Really large - from 100 to 250 times.

Step 2

Increase the amount and duration of aerobic exercise. It can be jogging, cycling, or skiing. If you work out on simulators, set the load to the minimum.

Step 3

Give up the urge to run as fast as possible. Your task is to develop the slow muscles responsible for endurance. They are much smaller in volume than the fast muscle fibers responsible for strength. It is enough to compare the sprinter and the marathon runner to understand this.

Step 4

Choose one or two exercises for each muscle group. Do them in every high-rep workout. Do two sets of 100-150 reps. Rest for 2-3 minutes between sets to help clear lactic acid from the muscles.

Step 5

Exercise with minimal or no weight. Force yourself to work and endure so that the muscles are really loaded. If you have completed 200 repetitions and feel that you still have strength, do not stop, work until you are completely physically tired.

Step 6

Train daily. This is the only way to develop endurance, not strength.

Step 7

For muscles to grow after exercise, they need protein. You need to deprive muscle fibers of nutrition. In this case, the body will recover from the existing muscle fibers and fat cells.

Step 8

After training, you can only eat slow carbohydrates - porridge, pasta, salad. Protein foods can only be eaten two to three hours after exercise.

Step 9

Drink as much water as possible. This will allow you to speed up the process of burning fat and reducing muscle fibers after a specialized workout.

Step 10

Don't expect results to come quickly. Slow fibers take a very long time to work, and it will take you a while to get them to develop.
