Slender female legs attract admiring male looks. But men look not only at their feet, but also above - at the bottom. If a girl has a beautiful and elastic ass, then she is not only in good physical shape, but also in good health.

Step 1
To achieve this goal, you need to do deep squats. While squatting, you must hold the barbell on your shoulders (this is one of the most effective exercises among bodybuilders). While doing this exercise, keep your hamstrings in contact with your calf muscles.
Step 2
If you did not succeed in doing such an exercise right away, do not despair, with each squat you will get better and better. You should not spread your legs wide, choose a position that is comfortable for you so that you do not feel discomfort while squatting. To get started, grab an empty bar and start doing the exercises. To get used to this exercise, take 3-4 sets.
Step 3
Keep your back straight and tense during the exercise. Don't lean forward. Standing with the bar on the keys, keep your back straight, fix this position and lean forward slightly. Performing the exercise, only one legs should work, the body should be motionless.
Step 4
Then slowly, without making any sudden movements, sit down to the end and rise to the starting position. Every day you need to perform 7 sets of 12-15 repetitions. If after the exercise you feel good, you can increase the load to 20 repetitions, but if it is very difficult for you to perform such an exercise, do not rush, do 5-7 repetitions, gradually increasing the load. The first exercise should be as easy as a warm-up.
Step 5
You can also use a simulator. The technique of movements will not change, but on the simulator you need to put your legs so that while lifting your body you can lift the bar up and slightly back.
Step 6
If you want to shape your butt, you should do barbell lunges. This is a fairly simple exercise, but it uses a lot of accessory muscles. For very busy people, this is the perfect exercise to do once a week. If you perform this exercise correctly, then during the first month of training you will have pain in the muscles of the buttocks.
Step 7
There are several ways to do this exercise: with dumbbells in your hands or with a bar on your shoulders. The bar exercise is more effective. Stand in the starting position (as when doing deep squats), slowly take a step forward (without sudden movements so as not to damage the ligaments). The leg should be bent at right angles, and the leg that is behind should be bent at right angles. You should almost touch the floor with your knee, but don't lean on it. Now return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times, alternately changing legs.