How To Build Up In A Year

How To Build Up In A Year
How To Build Up In A Year

Table of contents:


In order to achieve tangible results in working on your body, one year is quite enough. The main rule that must be followed is the consistency and consistency of training. You must clearly define the goal that you want to achieve this year, and it is not at all necessary to rely on specific data, it is enough to have a clear understanding of what you want to get this year.

How to build up in a year
How to build up in a year

It is necessary

subscription to the gym


Step 1

First of all, decide what exactly you want. Double your working weights? Gain forty kilograms of muscle mass? Lose weight to a carved press? An indicator is needed, based on which, you will be aware of whether you are moving forward or standing still.

Step 2

Distribute your muscles to the large and medium muscle groups. Determine which muscles can be used in conjunction with each other. It is necessary to determine if these ligaments are suitable for your level of endurance. For this point, define the first workout - in it you will "try on" various methods until you find the one that suits you.

Step 3

In the first month, you also need to work out a training schedule - both cycloidal and on a yearly basis, with indicators that you can always track. It is recommended to train day after day - this way you will provide yourself with the necessary time for recovery and muscle growth. On a yearly basis, the universal schedule is as follows: the first couple of months you develop optimal weights, a weekly schedule and exercise bundles, the next nine you actively gain weight, and the last month you devote to workouts aimed at burning excess fat.
