How To Build Gluteus Muscles

How To Build Gluteus Muscles
How To Build Gluteus Muscles

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Due to a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, the gluteal muscles become weak, and over time they generally atrophy. As a result, the rear view becomes not very attractive and can become a reason for complexes.

How to build gluteus muscles
How to build gluteus muscles

It is necessary

free time and desire


Step 1

There are 3 types of muscles in the buttocks: large, medium and small. If you have never played sports and move very little, it will be quite difficult to pump them up, because they are located under a large layer of fat. You need to understand that physical activity should be your constant companion in order to give a beautiful shape to your buttocks.

Step 2

It is worth reconsidering your diet: if you are overweight, you need to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates, adding more protein, because they are responsible for muscle growth. Some time after training, you need to eat a portion of protein foods: meat, fish, dairy products, etc. If you are not overweight and want to build muscle, you need to increase the number of calories you eat, leaving the same protein a priority. Simple carbohydrates (sweets) are absolutely useless and, apart from fat, will not give the body anything that is needed.

Step 3

If possible, go to the gym to an experienced instructor who will create an individual program for you. In this case, the effect of the exercise will be much more noticeable and faster. But you can do it at home too. The main thing is to force yourself to do this constantly, and not once a month. The optimal number of classes is 2-3 times a week for an hour and a half. You do not need to do exercises daily, otherwise the muscle will grow poorly due to overstrain.

Step 4

Depending on what you want to achieve, your classes will be designed. If your goal is to build muscle mass, you definitely need to work out with a load. For beginner women, dumbbells of 2-3 kg are optimal; over time, their weight must be increased. Men can also use dumbbells at the beginning, gradually moving to the barbell.

Step 5

If your goal is to become more fit and slender, without a strong increase in muscle mass, you need to pay more attention to cardio loads, increase the number of approaches in exercises and use small dumbbells (you can do without them at all).

Step 6

With any program, you first need to do a warm-up that will help prepare the muscles for the load. This can include swinging legs forward and to the side, stretching, etc. Next comes the main part - squats are most common to pump up the gluteal muscles: full squat, half squat, legs together or shoulder-width apart - all this allows you to pump different muscle groups; lunges forward and sideways. If you work out in the gym, it is worth connecting special leg trainers with a load. Be sure to end your cardio sessions - light jogging, exercise bike, treadmill, or stepper exercise, or stretching.

Step 7

Don't expect to see results in a couple of weeks. The gluteal muscles take a long time to pump, and it takes several months of constant training. In addition to the main activities, try to move more - walking, cycling, jumping rope. Throughout the day, strain and relax your buttocks - you can linger in a tense state for a couple of minutes. Such inconspicuous actions will help to strengthen them well. The exercise "walking on the buttocks" has proven itself well - in a sitting position you move across the floor on your buttocks, while your legs are straightened.
