How To Remove Patella Fat Rolls

How To Remove Patella Fat Rolls
How To Remove Patella Fat Rolls

The knees are one of the problem areas of the female body, and the formation of fatty patellar ridges sometimes depends not only on excess weight, but also on the structure. For example, women who have a pear-shaped figure are more prone to roll formation. How do you get back your attractive, sharp knees?


The causes of the patellar rollers:

  1. A tendency to accumulate fat in the lower torso.
  2. Hormonal age-related changes.
  3. Banana overeating, abuse of high-calorie foods.

To get rid of the rollers will help:

1. Correction of nutrition

To lose weight in a problem area, you should be patient, since fat does not go away locally, but only from the whole body at the same time, and from problem areas - in the last place. Don't worry - the fat will go away, but not as soon as you would like. First of all, reduce or completely eliminate fast food, fried foods, instant foods, convenience foods, sweets and pastries in the diet.

2. Exercise

For fighting full knees, jumping rope is perfect, and exercises on a stationary bike in a standing position and a stepper trainer will also help.


Workout to eliminate patellar rollers

1. Squats with jumping up

Put your feet a little wider than your shoulders, spread your toes slightly to the sides. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms in front of you or close your head. As you exhale, pushing off with your heels, make the highest jump possible. At the same time, straighten your socks completely, and take your hands back (if you held them in front of you). Once the socks hit the floor, return to the squat. Repeat 12 times in 2 sets.

2. Squats on one leg

Stand sideways to the doorframe, lightly touching it with your shoulder. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one leg at the knee and bring it slightly forward. Taking a breath, lower yourself down, while bending the supporting leg, and bringing the extended leg forward. The body remains straight. Sit down as deep as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times in 2 sets.

3. Squats with dumbbells with a narrow stance

Take dumbbells in each hand. Stand up straight, place your feet narrower than shoulder width apart, spread your socks slightly. Straighten your back, press tense. As you inhale, lower yourself down, bending your knees, until the angle between your thigh and calf is less than 90 degrees. As you exhale, push off with your heels and return to the starting position. Do not tilt the coprus, the knees point forward. Repeat 10-15 times in 2 sets.
