Losing belly fat is a problem that almost all women face. Even regular pumping of the press does not always help to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, and the pumped up muscles hide behind a non-aesthetic fat layer. But this problem is not insoluble. There are a number of exercises that can be performed regularly in combination with supportive procedures to help get rid of the fat layer on the belly.

Step 1
These are aerobics exercises. The lesson should be started by warming up for 20-30 minutes. The choice of aerobics style should be made based on the type of figure. So, having an "apple" figure with a full belly and thin limbs, exercises from step aerobics and belly dancing are better suited.
Step 2
If you have an hourglass shape with even body fat, choose brisk walking, jogging, or elliptical exercises.
Step 3
The owners of the "pear" figure should load the lower abdomen and arms, so exercises from taibo and body ballet are suitable for them.
Step 4
After warming up your body with aerobics, start doing exercises to reduce belly fat. They should be done 20 times in 3-4 approaches.
Step 5
Direct twisting. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent, feet resting on the floor, arms behind the head. Draw in your abdomen and use the abdominal muscles to lift your upper body to your knees. Lower to the starting position.
Step 6
Reverse twisting. The starting position is the same. Pull the legs bent at the knees to the stomach. Return to starting position.
Step 7
Body tilts to the sides. Standing, back straight, arms outstretched to the sides. We tilt the body alternately to the left and right sides, straining the oblique abdominal muscles.
Step 8
To achieve a positive result, you need to perform the exercises with maximum tension so that at the 15th repetition the abdominal muscles are tired. If your abs are already trained, to increase the load, you can pick up dumbbells in the first exercise, and put weights on your legs in the second. The third exercise should be done without weights, but at a faster pace.
Step 9
To remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, you need to ensure good blood flow to this area. Therefore, after exercise, it is useful to rub the abdomen with a massage mitten dipped alternately in hot and cold water. Suitable for slimming the abdomen and hydromassage (Charcot douche), which also activates the elimination of toxins from the body. It will not be superfluous to massage the abdomen with an anti-cellulite cream after training.