Morning Exercises: How And Why?

Morning Exercises: How And Why?
Morning Exercises: How And Why?

Morning exercises are an opportunity to always stay in good shape. It helps the whole body to wake up, gives a positive charge for the whole day, and also preserves health and longevity.

Morning exercises: how and why?
Morning exercises: how and why?

Someone starts the morning with hot coffee, someone likes an invigorating refreshing shower, and there are those for whom the day will not start without morning exercises.

Charging effect

Exercising in the morning helps our body to finally awaken from sleep. After all, it happens that, waking up, we can spend half a day half asleep. Therefore, charging is a very good way to wake up from sleep mode. In a short period of time, with the help of simple exercises, you can bring your body into working condition and recharge with a good mood for the whole day.

But this is not all that 10-15 minutes can give us every morning. By doing a warm-up, you will strengthen muscles and joints, make the spine more flexible, restore normal blood circulation after sleep, and start all body systems. In addition, regular classes train a person with purposefulness and endurance.

Even if you don't exercise for several hours a day, doing a little exercise in the morning will be extremely beneficial. Just start getting up a little earlier in the morning. It may be difficult to wake up earlier at first. But this is only at the beginning. Gradually your body will get used to it, and your body will start asking for a warm-up in the morning.

The right attitude

It is very important in what state you start the lesson. Do not warm up with a sour expression on your face - the wrong attitude can only make it worse. Therefore, when you wake up, smile, get out of bed, stretch. You can first do water procedures and only then proceed to the morning block of exercises.

Warm up

Start by bringing your hands up through the sides, join them into a lock. Stretch straight, left and right. Bend forward with a feeling of tension in the spine.

With a taut spine while performing the complex, the exercises will be safer.

Further, the lesson can be structured as follows:

- rotation of the hands, forearms, straight arms: standing, feet shoulder-width apart (20 times for each option);

- tilts, turns and rotation of the head (15-20 times in each direction);

- inclinations, turns, rotation of the feet (standing 20-25 times in each direction);

- leg lunges and rotation in the knee: standing, one leg bent at the knee, thigh parallel to the floor (15 times for each option);

- shift of the center of gravity: legs are wider than shoulders, feet are parallel (15-20 times);

- push-ups from the floor, to fatigue;

- bike (15-20 times in each direction);

- drawing numbers in the air with straight legs - from 1 to 10.

Finally, you can lie under the wall. Legs are straight, at an angle of 90 degrees. Try not to lift your back and shoulders off the floor. The head does not tilt back.

A few minutes in this position will help release tension from your lower back. This pose also helps relieve leg fatigue.

You can create your own set with other exercises and sequences. If there is an opportunity to practice outdoors or outdoors, well, do not give up on it. A pleasant atmosphere while charging is already 50% of the success of your event.
