How To Choose A Yoga Mat

How To Choose A Yoga Mat
How To Choose A Yoga Mat

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Starting to practice yoga, sooner or later you will be faced with the need to choose a special mat for practice. A high-quality carpet will help you master the asanas faster and reduce the risk of possible injury.

How to choose a yoga mat
How to choose a yoga mat


Step 1

Pay attention to the material from which the rug is made. The most common PVC mats are on sale. Among them are models of both a low price category and a high one. Expensive options are close in quality to products made from natural materials. The best yoga mats are made from natural rubber. They are distinguished by increased strength and stickiness. And stickiness is a very important quality of such a rug. Also on sale you can find rugs made of a material called Thermal Plastic Elastomer. It is hypoallergenic and lighter than a natural rug.

Step 2

Don't chase cheapness. If you can afford to splurge on exercise equipment, go for a more expensive, high-quality yoga mat. China is the supplier of cheap options. Taiwanese carpets are slightly higher in quality. Moving on to the expensive options, we can highlight the models of the sports brands Adidas, Reebok, Nike and Puma.

Step 3

Often, yoga makers reinforce rugs with a sturdy mesh. A reinforced rug is less susceptible to stretching and is more durable. The use of an unreinforced rug is advisable only if for you its main qualities are compactness and lightness.

Step 4

The length of the mat you choose should depend on your height and the type of practice you are doing. If you practice dynamic yoga, take a rug with a margin. For most yoga enthusiasts, a 183 cm long mat is sufficient.

Step 5

The thicker the carpet, the softer it is to practice on it. The most versatile option is 6 mm thickness. Rugs with a smaller thickness are more compact, but they do not retain heat well. Therefore, you can choose this option if you need to transport the carpet often.

Step 6

Choose a symmetrical bedding whenever possible. On a rectangular mat, it is easier to maintain the symmetry of the asanas.

Step 7

A high-quality rug absorbs moisture well, due to the increased porosity of the material from which it is made. If you sweat a lot while exercising, opt for a natural rug. For extra moisture protection, you can purchase a special carpet blanket.
